4 June, Known For Innocent Children Victims Of Aggression And It’s Significance

The Victim of Aggression Who Are Children and The Day Significance June 4 is observed as International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression this day is marked to acknowledge the pain and su...

Jun 4, 2024 - 17:48
4 June, Known For Innocent Children Victims Of Aggression And It’s Significance

The Victim of Aggression Who Are Children and The Day Significance June 4 is observed as International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression this day is marked to acknowledge the pain and suffering of those young ones worldwide who are physically, mentally, sexually abused as well as emotionally hurt in different areas. Established by the United Nations General Assembly on 19th August 1982 this day serves as a reminder to protect the most vulnerable members of society and promote their rights for safety and well-being. Currently, ideal of the day can be traced back to when Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982 numerous children were abused.

The UN, was so much concerned about the effect that invasion would leave on children such that It opted to include children’s day on days set aside during its session to discuss matters relating to conflicts around world aimed at bringing forth solutions. Not only did it aim at bringing to light but also it intended to create an international resolve against such atrocity. This shows that there is a critical necessity for universal action in preventing violence towards children during armed conflicts especially within areas surrounded by conflict zones and wars. Consequently, according to UNICEF majority of kids undergo trauma because they have been affected by war both mentally or physically through being neglected, deprived or not being given proper care and protection against any danger that may affect their lives. Some go through it directly while others experience it indirectly like losing parents or family members due to death caused by wars or any other disaster; this leaves them vulnerable since there’s nobody left to look after them properly.

These incidents can have serious impacts on their health’s both physically and mentally. It should however be noted that the situation has not improved since 1990s because grave violations were committed against children during armed conflicts even from 2023 onward upto 24,000 cases such violations have been recorded which includes among others but not limited to killing, maiming sexual violations abduction attacks on schools’ hospitals etc. These figures reveal how pervasive conflict is in destroying lives of young people across world hence need for urgent intervention from all government’s parties involved international organizations and civil society. In fact, failure take any action against these acts may lead into creation widespread culture where this kind cruelty becomes norm therefore perpetuating cycle violence against future generation. In addressing this challenge, the community is called upon to act collectively through its various agencies both at national level as well regional ones; it involves implementation legal instruments aimed at protecting children during armed conflict. The most important of these instruments in international law of human rights is the Convention on the Rights Child (CRC) which was adopted by United Nations General Assembly on 20th November 1989 and entered into force effective September 2nd 1990.

 This treaty provides for civil political economic social cultural rights all without discrimination based on race colour sex language religion political or other opinion national ethnic indigenous group disability age birth any status ratifies shall take appropriate legislative administrative measures all its State parties shall be abolished forthwith slavery servitude forced labour institutions thereof parties recognize right which be subject only restrictions law necessary field practice. however, despite wide acceptance many children remain unshielded at present times.

By- Shilpa Chalke

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