On 18th December 2023, Mumbai: Ritesh Deshmukh’s birthday celebrated by industry friends including Genelia Deshmukh. Well known actress Jennifer Winget wishes Ritesh Deshmukh a happy birthday and shares a video of celebration. Genelia Deshmukh, Drashti Dhami, Shabbir Ahluwalia, Kanchi Kaul, Zaheer Khan, Sagrika Gatge, Ashish Chaudhari and Samita Bangargi are also seen in the video. Genelia penned a note which is filled with love and wishes a happy birthday expressing her love and calling him greatest man. Ritesh thanks Genelia for her heartwarming wish and expresses his love for her.
Jennifer Winget Shared A Video Of Celebration
Ritesh Deshmukh celebrates his birthday with his loved ones. Popular TV actress Jennifer Winget wished him and shared a video for their celebration. Jennifer shared a video and wrote, “Join us in sayin’ Heya to our playah, Riteish D with Big props…and cheers to this routine of choreographed and rigorously rehearsed dance dos and our uncoordinated yet unabashed moves to his groove at every party… and in life! How blessed are we to have you, share you in close company and celebrate you every day. Happy Birthday.. @riteishd, we love you!”.
Ritesh Deshmukh Had Fun With His Friends
Jennifer’s video sees Genelia Deshmukh Ritesh, Drashti Dhami, Shabbir Ahluwalia, Kanchi Kaul, Zaheer Khan, Sagrika Gatge, Ashish Chaudhari,Samita Bangargi and more. In this video, they all are holding balloons and dancing to the track “Ta Thaiya Ta Thaiya”. It looks like they always gather and make fun. They party together often and we can say they are a part of each other’s lives closely. Last time they shared a video of Genelia D’Souza’s birthday.
Genelia Deshmukh Shared Heartwarming Note To Husband Ritesh Deshmukh
Genelia pened a beautiful note for her husband’s birthday. She wrote, ‘If someone had to ask me, “Who is Riteish Deshmukh?” I would just say, “the greatest man in the entire universe, and that greatest man is all mine.” Happy Birthday Navra”.
Ritesh replied, ‘I love you Baiko – you have no idea what you mean to me… you make my day special… you make my life special.”
Ritesh Deshmukh Upcoming Projects
Actor Ritesh Deshmukh is very popular for his every role in movies. Well, he received several lined up movies of the coming years, including ‘Kakuda’, ‘Visfot’ and ‘Housefull 5’.
By Sojwal Gurav