17 August 2023, Mumbai: Director Farhan Akhtar’s recent announcement of the film “Don 3” has ignited a wave of anticipation among cinephiles. The long-awaited revelation came in the form of a teaser featuring the iconic “3” logo and the unmistakable theme of Don. To further amplify the excitement, the curtain was drawn back on the film’s lead actor, with Ranveer Singh being anointed as the new Don. However, the leading lady who will share the screen with Ranveer remains shrouded in mystery, though speculations have circled around Kiara Advani.
Farhan brakes his silence regarding the casting of the female lead.
Farhan Akhtar, the creative maestro behind the project, has broken his silence regarding the casting of the female lead. Farhan addressed the curiosity surrounding the role. He revealed that the decision is undergoing a meticulous selection process and that her identity will be unveiled at the appropriate juncture. With cautious optimism, he shared, “Well, it’s all work in progress. I don’t wanna get ahead of myself and say something that I may have to take back for any other reason but as and when it happens, you’ll know.”
Kiara to step out of Don 3
Kiara Advani’s name has been whispered in the corridors of speculation. The actress was spotted at the offices of Excel Entertainment, the production house steering “Don 3.” Insider sources have intimated that the purpose of her visit was a discussion related to the film. While no official confirmation has been issued, it’s rumored that Kiara has verbally expressed her interest in the project. However, it’s important to note that she won’t be reprising Priyanka Chopra’s character, Roma, in the movie. This potential inclusion in “Don 3” further embellishes Kiara’s growing portfolio, complementing her involvement in high-profile projects like “War 2” and “Game Changer.”
Farhan on Casting Ranveer Singh as Don
Delving into the essence of “Don 3,” Farhan elucidated on what awaits the eager audience. He acknowledged the teaser’s role in heralding Ranveer Singh’s ascendancy as Don and teased that audiences will gradually unravel the intricate layers of Ranveer’s portrayal. “We just made an announcement because I do believe that it’s nice for Ranveer to have this moment where he just lets the world know that he is playing Don. People will slowly but surely start understanding what we are gonna do with him so we need a little bit of time on that.”
Don 3 all set for 2025
The director also hinted at the film’s essence, promising a riveting blend of action, thrills, and suspense. Amidst the anticipation for the plot, he highlighted the paramount significance of discovering the perfect tonality for Ranveer’s interpretation of the character. With fervent attention to this aspect, the team aims to craft an experience that resonates deeply with the viewers. While the specifics remain tantalizingly veiled, “Don 3” has cemented its position as a future cinematic spectacle. Set to commence production in 2025, the film promises to deliver an exhilarating and fresh facet to the “Don” universe, elevating the intrigue surrounding its ensemble cast
By Yashika Desai