Gold Digger – A critically-acclaimed show delving into the life of a 60-year-old woman who enters a relationship with a man half her age that is both endearing and brilliant. The show is bound to move you, entertain you, and get you thinking directionally. This well-written Marnie Dickens directorial thrives on simplicity and will touch you to the core. Catch this super engaging series featuring Julia Ormond, Ben Barnes, and Alex Jennings, from January 18th, Monday to Friday at 9 PM, only on Colors Infinity.
As a prelude to the show’s brilliance, let’s get you a peek into the most soulful moments from Gold Digger!
A connection with the viewers!
The audience will feel connected with the characters of the series from the pilot itself. The show offers a sense of relatability by putting viewers in Julie’s shoes and ensuring that they would feel it. Right from the initial episodes, you will witness the heartening side of Julie and empathize with the adversities of her life. Watch the entire season to know how she deals with these.
Julia and Benjamin’s first meet
Following her divorce, Julia goes out with her kids and Benjamin on the occasion of Julia’s 60th birthday celebrations. The conversations, laughs, and drinks that she shares with Benjamin leave her in awe. This marks the inception of a beautiful love story between Julie and Benjamin. As she gets to know more about him, she wants to start a new life with him.
Caring Kids
Time and again, this story throws light on Julia’s love for her kids. In reciprocation, when she gets in a relationship with Benjamin, the kids went all the way to ensure she’s with the right man so she’s not taken advantage of, owing to her wealthy stature. The kids supported her relationship, keeping her best interests at heart.
A Soapy drama!
Gold Digger is indeed one of the best soapy dramas with the many adversities of life of Julia, which translate into a number of enticing moments. Julia’s journey, from her painful divorce to a budding relationship with Benjamin, with her kids protecting and caring for their mom adds up to a wonderful show!
Block your calendars for a heartwarming experience with Colors Infinity from January 18th, Monday to Friday at 9 PM!