Producer duo Binaiferr and the king of comedy, Sanjay Kohli’s Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai achieved success right from its inception and has been winning millions of hearts since then. Well, it seems like actress Vidya Balan is the latest one to jump on this bandwagon. The actress shared a voiceover from the show in a funny video and it was quite a laugh riot!
Binaiferr says, “When I noticed Vidya Balan’s reel on Bhabiji, I felt good. It’s an honour when one gets appreciation for the good content we are making. The reach of the show is phenomenal. I am grateful to audiences for the love and yes, I am thankful to my most loved Vidya for making such a reel.”
Actress Shubangi Atre, who plays the role of Bhabiji in the show, says, “I saw this reel as soon as I woke up. I was very happy and excited. Sometimes, there are some reels on such trending audios which we both have made and I feel that we have similar choices when it comes to this. I was waiting to see what she will make now. But today I heard my own voice in her reels and I was super excited. She has done such great work and I hope to work with her some day. I want to thank her and I loved it! Aap Sahi Pakdhe Hai!”