17th December,2023, Mumbai: Vaani Kapoor frequently amuses her fans by sharing looks from her life, bits from photoshoots, and then some. As of late, she left the netizens fainting by posting photographs from a new shoot she did wearing a Peter Dundas outfit. The star wore a figure-embracing floor-length dress with a sheer outline and back patterns. Look down to check pictures of Vaani and perused our definite download on the look.
Vaani Kapoor In A Peter Dundas Dress
Vaani Kapoor slipped into a greenery green outfit from fashioner Peter Dundas’ eponymous name for a new photoshoot. The velvet dress elements a bridle neck plan, a plunging cowl neck area, a full back uncovering cut-out, a figure-chiseling outline embracing her smooth edge, a sheer plan uncovering the thighs, and a story length trim.
Vaani’s outfit is an ideal fashion pick for breathtaking night outs with your companions, date evenings with your lover, or going to gathering parties during the wedding season. Vaani styled the look with negligible frill, including articulation gold rings, petite circle studs and earcuffs, and stilettos with executioner high heels.
Finally, Vaani picked shimmery smoky eye shadow, padded temples, mascara on the lashes, winged eyeliner, rouge on the cheekbones, radiating highlighter, and caramel-hued rouge lip conceal for the glitz picks. A middle separated untidy bun with stray locks chiseling her face gave a last little detail.
Fans Adored Vaani Kapoor’s Peter Dundas Look
In the mean time, Vaani’s fans gave the star acclaim over her marvelous symbol in the sizzling greenery green Peter Dundas dress. A netizen stated, “Perpetually pound.” One more remarked, “Not really good or bad HOT.” A fan expressed, “You look beautiful Vaani.” A couple of others posted fire emoticons under her post.
On the work front
In the mean time, on the work front, Vaani Kapoor will be seen featuring two differently various ventures – Sarvagunn Sampanna, and a thrill ride, Mandala Murders
By- Sapna Meena