Mindless social media scrolling ruins your mental health and well-being with constant comaprisons
The digital age has made social media too irresistible for many people, which has led to the ubiquitous but potentially hazardous practice of mindless scrolling. This seemingly innocuous hobby may be...

The digital age has made social media too irresistible for many people, which has led to the ubiquitous but potentially hazardous practice of mindless scrolling. This seemingly innocuous hobby may be doing more harm to our mental health than we are aware of. Research reveals several concerning outcomes that shed light on the repercussions of overusing social media. These are a few of the intricate ways that mindless scrolling affects our mental health; think about strategies to mitigate these repercussions.
According to a study that was published in Baishideng Publishing Group, FOMO is a real problem linked to excessive social media use. Being surrounded by other people's wonderful experiences all the time can cause anxiety, depression, or emotions of not being good enough. It's important to realise that most of the content we view online is not a true representation of everyday life, but rather a carefully curated highlight reel.
Comparison and FOMO due to social media is real
It's possible to fall prey to the comparison trap when you scroll mindlessly. A study that was published in Atlantis Press demonstrates how constantly evaluating oneself against others based on their carefully crafted online personas can lead to low self-esteem, increasing dissatisfaction, jealously, or hostility. Never forget that each person has a unique journey and that the world as it appears on social media is skewed. It's critical to respect your own accomplishments and journey.
Someone on a vacation, someone getting married, another one spending time with their friends in a club every weekend, it is common for it all to lead to feelings of FOMO and constant comparison which then leads to a negative self-Image.
Social networking platforms are addictive because they play on our brains' reward system. Excessive scrolling can turn into a compulsive behaviour that is detrimental to sleep, relationships, productivity, and focus. The social media companies make it a point to grab our attention every time we open Instagram,facebook, Youtube. They record our preferences and deliberately show the things that we like and want to see. It hooks us and our brains. The dopamine hits get addictive and we are unable to let go of our phones. One way to break the dopamine cycle in social media use is to set goals and limitations. By consciously limiting screen time, individuals may take back control of their digital habits and, consequently, their overall wellbeing.
Loneliness in a connected world
In spite of the label "social" media, spending too much time online might exacerbate feelings of loneliness. Reduced in-person interactions and deep relationships with others can cause feelings of alienation, loneliness, and disassociation from reality. Maintaining a healthy social life requires striking a balance between online and offline activities. Think about incorporating more face-to-face encounters and fulfilling hobbies that make you happy.
If you want to protect your mental health, think about putting some useful tactics into practice. The detrimental effects of mindless scrolling can be lessened by limiting your usage of social media, establishing boundaries and goals, changing up the information you consume, and participating in offline activities.
By: Gursharan Kaur
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