Arvind Kejriwal, the Aam Aadmi Party’s party chief, turned himself in to the Tihar Jail today after the Supreme Court’s 21-day temporary bail end. The chief minister of Delhi stated that the exit polls, which showed the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance winning easily, were fake before getting taken back to jail.
“We released the exit polls for the Lok Sabha elections of 2024 yesterday. Put it in writing: these exit polls are all fake. “In Rajasthan, the BJP has only 25 seats, although one exit poll gave the party 33 seats,” Kejriwal stated at the party’s office just before his surrender.
“Creating a fake exit poll three days before the official counting day is the main problem.” He went on, “There are lots of theories about this, one of which is that they are trying to control the machines (EVMs).”
The National Democratic Alliance predicted a victory in more than 350 Lok Sabha seats, according to the majority of exit polls. According to at least three exit polls, the ruling alliance will win the 400 seats it needs.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) took Arvind Kejriwal into custody on March 21 due to the Delhi liquor policy issue. The Supreme Court granted him temporary bail last month, enabling him to contest in the Lok Sabha elections.
The Supreme Court’s office rejected Kejriwal’s appeal to have his temporary bail increased earlier this week. Additionally, a local judge denied him relief, delaying his regular bail appeal hearing until June 5.
Today, Kejriwal said that he had been jailed for speaking out against dictatorship.
The Supreme Court granted me bail to run for office for 21 days. For that, SC has my gratitude. I’m heading back to Tihar Jail today. I didn’t waste a single moment during these 21 days. I ran campaigns for a variety of parties, including the AAP. I visited Jharkhand, Haryana, UP, and Mumbai. For us, the nation is more important than the AAP. I would like to inform the people of Delhi that I will be back in prison—not because I committed a scam, but because I have spoken out against dictatorship. Kejriwal said today, “PM Modi acknowledged in front of the nation that he had no evidence against me.
According to numerous exit polls, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) will not qualify in Delhi. Arvind Kejriwal stated earlier this week that he has dropped six kilograms of weight since going to jail. He claimed that some sort of illness might be the cause of the weight loss.
By Ashiya Qureshi