Two Bhartiya Janata party (BJP) workers arrested for circulating offensive video clips, with an involvement of Janata Dal leader Prajwal Revanna. The incident shook the whole politics took place in Karnataka. Again, bring the dark side of use of technology and impacts on politics.
Clips which are going viral on social media platforms, wear aimed at framing Prajwal Revanna the young leader of Karnataka and the grand son of former prime minister HD Deva Gowda. Circulating of such clips violets the privacy and tarnishes the image of an individual. The credibility of politics process is questioned.
These incidents raises several questions on the use of technology in today’s politics. And a need of strict measures to prevent missuse of technology and power through which the challenges and competition faced by political leaders is increasing day by day in these digital worlds.
One of the key issues highlighted by this incident is the lack of accountability among users of social media platforms. While these platforms have provided a voice to millions, they have also become breeding grounds for misinformation and character assassination. The technology afforded by these platforms makes it easy for individuals to spread false information without fear occurrence.
Another impact of these incidents is it can have mental health of individual targeted by such campaigns the circulation of intimate videos also has a long-lasting psychological effect. It is imperative that measures are put in place to protect individuals from such attacks and to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions.
The role of political parties in preventing such incidents. While it is unclear whether the BJP workers were acting on behalf of the party, the incident raises questions about the extent to which political parties are willing to go to gain an advantage. It is essential that political parties take a firm stance against such practices and ensure that their members are held accountable for their actions.
This incident also shows the need for greater awareness about use of technology. While technology has the potential to revolutionize the way to interact and communicate, it also includes the challenges. It is essential that individuals are educated about the ethical use of technology and the consequences of miss use.
In conclusion, the circulation of obscene video clips involving Prajwal Revanna is a great reminder of the challenges have to face by technology for political gains and to protect political individuals from disruption of technology. This incident also underscores the need for concern among users of social media platforms and the importance of responsible use of technology in these digital eras.
Shilpa Chalke