In a recent interview with NDTV after a rally in Patna, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke about his model of governance and how the BJP will expand its footprints across the country. He also spoke about the importance of developing East India to develop the entire nation. He referenced a speech he made in 2013 before he was the PM candidate where he spoke about the same thing.
The speech he is referring to was a speech he gave on 6th February 2013 at Shri Ram College of Commerce(SRCC). In this speech he talked about the abundance of natural resources that are in East India that can be used to fuel development. The speech was delivered a few months before he was officially named the PM candidate. However, he was already gaining immense popularity due to his various speeches, the promises and the vision he promised of a developed and globally powerful India. His multiple terms as the Chief Minister of Gujarat and the much hyped Gujarat Model of Development was also a powerful force behind his candidature and eventually, his win.
You can watch the speech in its entirety here:
The speech also talked about the importance of skill, speed and scale with respect to development. He focussed a lot on the talking points that eventually became his talking points for the 2014 and 2019 elections.
He talked about the importance of minimum government interference in businesses, a popular capitalist concept that is deemed essential to have a free market. He said that the three sectors to prioritise for the growth of the nation are Agriculture, Services and Technology, believing that if these sectors are developed, the economy will never be in trouble.
The speech is one of the earlier moments in the full blown campaign best remembered for changing the face of Indian politics and bringing the “Abki Baar Modi Sarkar” idea across India. Backed by popular talking points and great oratory skill, Narendra Modi created a popular wave across the nation that resulted in a historic landslide victory for his party and set the tone for Indian politics for years to come.