With its Prestigious Accreditation from QAHE, Central Global University is able to Guarantee high-quality Education Around the World.

Attention India
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Central Global University is pleased to announce that it has received accreditation from the Quality Assurance Higher Education (QAHE), signifying a major turning point in its mission to provide top-notch instruction and promote global citizenship.

Situated in the heartland of Georgia, Central Global University has gained national attention for its commitment to academic quality, creativity, and student-centered education. As evidence of the university’s steadfast dedication to upholding the highest standards of educational excellence, QAHE recently accredited it.

Dr. Ana Mgeladze, co-founder of Central Global University, said, “We are thrilled to receive accreditation from QAHE, which underscores our relentless pursuit of excellence in all facets of higher education.” “This accomplishment confirms our goal of providing students with the information, abilities, and experiences necessary to thrive in a world that is changing quickly.”

Online and on-campus certificate, diploma, bachelor’s, and master’s degree programs are among the many academic offerings of Central Global University. The institution provides students with the necessary resources to succeed in their chosen disciplines by emphasizing the development of innovative thinking and transferable skills.

Dr. Litto, Registrar of Central Global University, stated, “Our faculty members are not only scholars but also mentors who are deeply invested in the success and well-being of our students.” “We empower our students to become critical thinkers, effective communicators, and ethical leaders through individualized attention, innovative teaching methods, and hands-on learning opportunities.”

Students’ value of a degree from Central Global University is increased by QAHE accreditation, which assures quality and reputation in the international academic world. Pupils can feel secure in the knowledge that their education satisfies exacting requirements and equips them for professional success.

Furthermore, the community at large, faculty, staff, and alumni all benefit from accreditation. Accreditation promotes alumni pride and loyalty, honors the effort and commitment of teachers and staff, and fortifies relationships with the community through partnerships and collaborations.

Central Global University is thrilled to announce its next event, the Honorary Excellence Award Ceremony, which is planned for April 27, 2024, in Dubai, in addition to commemorating this accreditation. The purpose of this esteemed occasion is to honor academics who have made exceptional contributions to their disciplines and shown remarkable accomplishments. Leading academics, business executives, and students will come together to celebrate excellence and motivate upcoming generations of scholars.

In addition, Central Global University is excited about its future goals and plans for growth, as well as forging alliances and working together with other organizations, institutions, and business leaders. These initiatives are in line with the university’s mission for higher education, which is to offer a life-changing educational experience that equips students to lead fulfilling lives as leaders and innovators who make meaningful contributions to society.

Dr. Ana Mgeladze said, “We remain steadfast in our commitment to serving our students, our community, and society at large as we embark on this exciting journey as an accredited institution.” “We are excited to keep pushing the frontiers of impact, innovation, and knowledge while forming the future generation of leaders.”

The QAHE’s accreditation of Central Global University marks the beginning of a new era in academic achievement, innovation, and international involvement. The university is well-positioned to leave a lasting impression on the global scene with its constant commitment to providing high-quality education and its vision for a better future.

Go to the university’s website at https://www.centralglobaluniversity.org/, https://www.centralglobaluniversity.org/honorary-doctoral-degrees/ for additional details about Central Global University, its recognized programs, and the Honorary Excellence Award Ceremony.

Dr. Litto, Registrar, Central Global University, Georgia, can be reached.


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