21st March, Mumbai: Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan is a star in the making, and we can’t wait for her big Bollywood debut already. Suhana will soon be seen in The Archies. Even before her acting debut, the star kid has gained a lot of fan following, and fans flock to click selfies with her. As Suhana made her way to the Mumbai airport on March 20, some of her fans surrounded her again for selfies, and she patiently obliged. In the comments section of the video shared by a pap, some fans even compared her to Deepika Padukone!
On March 20, Suhana Khan was spotted patiently taking photographs with fans at the Mumbai airport. She was seen travelling all by herself for this trip. Suhana looked stunning in casual wear with dark grey T-shirt, light grey cargo pants and white sneakers. She also carried a black Chanel bag and wore black sunglasses.