WHO launches appeal for US dollars 1.5 billion for key emergencies

The World Health Organization (WHO) has made a $1.5 billion appeal to safeguard the health of the most vulnerable groups in 41 global catastrophes by the year 2024. To reach over 87 million people, t...

Jan 18, 2024 - 16:28
WHO launches appeal for US dollars 1.5 billion for key emergencies

The World Health Organization (WHO) has made a $1.5 billion appeal to safeguard the health of the most vulnerable groups in 41 global catastrophes by the year 2024. To reach over 87 million people, the appeal addresses the emergencies that require the highest level of attention from WHO. It is being released amid complicated catastrophes that include problems related to economic instability, displacement, and hunger as well as conflicts.

In 2024, support will make it possible to provide life-saving medical care, provide vital medical supplies and equipment, and maintain vital health services to guarantee ongoing care. In collaboration with neighbourhood organizations, the funds enable communities in remote locations to have direct access to healthcare, as well as efficient monitoring, information sharing, and documentation of pandemics and assaults on medical personnel. Maintaining the current healthcare systems and strengthening their defenses against potential threats are also crucial measures.

“For those facing emergencies, disruptions to essential health services often mean the difference between life and death. From mothers giving birth during conflict, to aid to young children in drought-affected regions, to those receiving cancer treatment or dialysis, health care saves lives. Health-care services are also critical for breaking the cycle that too often leaves communities in a perilous state and reliant on yet more emergency assistance,” said WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.  “With the support of donors, we will save lives, meet critical health needs for the most vulnerable, and help communities emerge from crises with a greater ability to tackle future health threats. WHO appreciates all the support received in 2023, which allowed us to assist millions of people. As we enter 2024, the solidarity and support of the international community is needed more than ever,” said Dr Tedros.

The appeal highlights how funding might help those in need of humanitarian aid. A minimum of $35 is returned on investment for every $1 put in WHO. The allocation of $334 million would go to the African region; $705 million to the Eastern Mediterranean region; $183 million to the European region; $15,2 million to the Western Pacific region; $49 million to the Southeast Asia region; and $131 million to the Americas region.

The world is in need of affordable healthcare services

In 2023, Latin American and Caribbean countries grappled with the severe impacts of El Niño, which has intensified existing vulnerabilities of at-risk communities. The phenomenon has led to varied effects on precipitation and temperature, resulting in droughts, wildfires, and floods and causing disruptions in the lives and livelihoods of millions of people.

Nearly 300 million people will need protection and humanitarian aid in 2024, and 166 million people will likely need medical support. At least five WHO regions are currently affected by escalating war and security, including the dire circumstances in Gaza, Sudan, and Ukraine. War and climate catastrophes have also harmed healthcare and intensified dangers globally. Disruptions to health services frequently spell the difference between life and death for persons confronting emergencies.

By: Gursharan Kaur

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