Trump vs Biden: The Two Candidates Attack One Another At The 2024 US Presidential Debate

Trump vs Biden: The Two Candidates Attack One Another At The 2024 US Presidential Debate

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Ahead Of Presidential Race, The First Time When SItting President And Former President Sit At A Debate

The 2024 United States Presidential Debate comprised of two major candidates of the 2024 presidential elections, President Joe Biden and Former President Donald Trump. This is noted to be the first when a sitting president and a former president debated. The two candidates engaged in a war of words at the CNN presidential debate, with emphasise on terms like abortion, economy, immigration, foreign policy, inflation, etc. Each of them criticised one another and called the other to be the ‘history’s worst’ and also accused each other for being ‘childlike’.

Debate Begins With Discussing The Economy, Trump Makes A Sharp Attack At Biden

Trump, being a close winner of the debate on Thursday, came forward with some direct attacks at Joe Biden, interrupting him repeatedly. Meanwhile, Biden struggled to give a performance striking concern among American citizens. The debate began with discussions on the economy where both Biden and Trump accused each other’s presidency for inflation while boasting about their own for establishing a strong economy. Trump said that Biden did a poor job handling the economy and the economy collapsed. He said that the only jobs he created are the ones for the immigrants. On the other hand, Biden blamed Trump for carrying the biggest tax deficit as a US president.

Trump Calls Biden A Weak Palestinian, Says He Wouldn’t Let Wars Happen In Ukraine And Gaza

Trump claimed that Putin wouldn’t have started war with Ukraine and Israel wouldn’t be in conflict with Gaza if he had been in the office, suggesting that no conflicts had taken place under his administration. Further adding, he said the whole world is blowing under Biden. Biden defended by saying that Russia have lost thousands of its troops and has failed to capture Kyiv. Moreover, Trump calls Biden to be a ‘weak Palestinian’ and says Israel should be allowed to finish its job in Gaza.

The Two Candidates Make Personal Comments, Democratic Party Worried

Ahead in the debate, many sharp personal attacks were made by the two. Including Biden. As reported by the CNN, the two leaders neither acknowledged each other prior to the debate nor did they shake hands. Biden used words like ‘loser’ and ‘sucker’ for Trump whereas Trump referred to Joe being a ‘disaster’ and a ‘complainer’. At one point, the two also engaged in an argument about each others’ golfing abilties. As a result of the debate, the Democratic Party was seemingly worried and panicking over Biden’s performance which they claim to be ‘horrofic’ In comparison, Trump’s performance was rather forceful, aggressive and smoother.

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