On 18th December 2023, Mumbai: Mukti Mohan and Animal actor Kunal Thakur recently tied a knot. Mukti Mohan has shared unseen videos from her wedding festivities with Kunal Thakur. Well, Kunal was recently seen in ‘Animal’ as Rashmika Mandanna’s fiance. In the videos, celebrities like Ayushmann Khurrana and Mukti’s sister Shakti Mohan dance their hearts out.
Mukti Mohan And Kunal Thakur Recently Got Married
On December 10th 2023, Mukti Mohan and the ‘Animal’ actor tied the knot. Well, they had kept their relationship private till they got married. Firstly, they shared dreamy photos of their wedding which the internet can’t stop drooling over. Meanwhile, Mukti Mohan shared photos from their mehandi ceremony which was filled with radiance and sunshine.
The bride and groom can be seen in customized matching yellow outfits.
Mukti Mohan Dropped An Unseen Videos
Recently, Mukti Mohan dropped a video from their sangeet where they dance their hearts out. Mukti looks gorgeous in a blue lehenga and choli with shimmer and tassels, while Kunal Thakur is seen in black bow tie suit. Mukti shared this video and wrote, “The dance floor was empty because we’re ALL ON STAGE Uncontainable talent in the family; singing, dancing, hosting and rejoicing together till unexpected wee hours kept our bodies sore but hearts full of gratitude! Thank you for filling our hearts with joy and lives with blessings”
Mukti Mohan Shared Heartfelt Note
Mukti Mohan penned a note while sharing with Kunal Thakur and her photos as a married couple. She had written, “त्वयि सम्प्रेक्ष्य भगवान्स्त्वया हि विवाह्यते।” In you, I find my divine connection; with you, my union is destined. Grateful for the blessings bestowed by god, family and friends. Our families are ecstatic and seek your blessings for our journey forward as Husband and Wife ”
By Sojwal Gurav