Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez and conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar who were involved in a ₹200 crore money laundering case continue to level allegations against each other. Sukesh recently shared alleged old WhatsApp conversations that happened between him and the actress. Jacqueline had recently moved her case to the Delhi High Court to fight against the FIR filed against her by Sukesh Chandrasekhar. Ms. Fernandez, in her petition, sought to quash the ED’s second supplementary chargesheet in the case and related proceedings pending before a trial court here.
Leaked WhatsApp Chats
Sukesh has shared old WhatsApp conversations with Jaqueline claiming that she was asking for forgiveness and expressing her love for him. “The chat you are seeing now is one of those days in 2021, where me and Jacky had a misunderstanding and thereafter, in the chat, you can see her asking for forgiveness and her love for me, irrespective of any kind of misunderstanding,” Sukesh claimed.
Sukesh had earlier claimed that the dozens of leaked WhatsApp chats between him and Jacky were fake. He also accused Jaqueline of trying to ‘sensationalize’ the chats. The conman also shared a handwritten card which he claims was written by Ms Fernandez which reads “I am yours forever…Love Botta Bomma”
Sukesh says ‘this is just a teaser’.
He further went on to claim that the “authenticity of the chats and handwritten card is very much available with Enforcement Directorate and they have verified it, so no one can claim this to be otherwise. He says that this is just a “teaser” and he has “hundreds of chats and voice recordings, video chats which will be revealed to Investigation Agency”. He also said, “you left me with no choice”. “Also, additionally, I am handing over the original drive from WhatsApp cloud data in regard to me and Jacky for investigation, which was kept as a secret till today,” he claimed, adding that the handwriting can also be “easily verified”, “matched” and “compared with Ms. Fernandez’s handwritten statement given to ED.” Said Sukesh.
The money laundering case between Sukesh and Jaqueline has been going on for a while now and Jaqueline had moved her petition to the Delhi High Court. “At the outset, it is submitted that evidence filed by the Directorate of Enforcement would prove that the petitioner [Fernandez] is an innocent victim of Sukesh Chandrasekhar’s maliciously targeted attack,” the actor’s plea stated.
By: Gursharan Kaur