23rd October 2023, Mumbai: In a bold daylight heist that has sent shockwaves through Bengaluru, a bike thief shattered the window of a parked BMW X5 and made off with a staggering Rs 14 lakh in cash. This bold incident, captured on CCTV cameras, reminds us to never leave valuables in our cars and to be extra careful with big amounts of money.
An Overlook Of The Incident:
The victim withdrew a good amount of money from a bank and left it in their luxury car while they went to a nearby shop. They didn’t know this choice would cause them trouble and make them lose their money.
CCTV Footage:
Police have video evidence of the thief’s quick actions. The thief, wearing a cap and sunglasses, easily broke into the BMW, took the cash, and escaped in seconds, leaving the car owner shocked.
Bengaluru Police Started Investigation:
The local authorities have started an investigation into the case. Disturbing video has been shared on social media, prompting a citywide search for the criminal. People are encouraged to share any info that could help catch the thief.
Reminder To All Vehicle Owners:
This incident serves as a warning to all residents and vehicle owners. Authorities emphasized the importance of not leaving valuables, especially cash not secured in parked cars. While such thefts are unfortunate, they can be prevented with increased vigilance and by taking necessary precautions. This incident is a reminder that in today’s world, one can never be too careful when it comes to safeguarding their belongings.
By Harsh Rathod