13th October 2023,Mumbai: Alia Bhatt, who fueled the world with the remarkable performance in the latest theatrical release Rocky aur Rani kii Prem Kahani, stands strong as a youth icon for young girls. With the mind-boggling instagram followers of 80 million, Raazi actress reverberates lanterns of inspiration. The actress has inspired her fans with her ability to craft gripping storylines for the big screen, manage her career while expecting, or actively participate in charitable causes. In a recent interview, Alia conveyed a powerful message to her listeners, stressing the importance of following our intuition and being willing to make mistakes.
Alia Bhatt addresses her fans in a message
Alia Bhatt recently conveyed a strong message she wants to get across to people in an interview with The Glass Magazine. Apparently, Alia, ““The strongest connection that we have is our instinct, that gut feeling that comes from within.” She underlined the value of accepting the chance to make errors, whether they involve a simple typo, a dubious choice of clothing, a quarrel with a loved one, or inappropriate comments said in the heat of the moment.
Alia went on, “Allow yourself to make that mistake. The way you allow it is to not fight it, and to take the onus of responsibility and say ‘I’m sorry I made a mistake. I was not able to ace that exam’. But it’s also connected to your instinct. Maybe you didn’t ace the exam because you’re not really into that subject. So it’s okay. Allow yourself to fail.”
The forthcoming film starring Alia Bhatt Jigra
Alia just made her acting debut in Hollywood with the movie Heart of Stone and recently appeared on screen in Karan Johar’s Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani. Actress Jigra, to be helmed by Vasan Bala, has just been revealed as her forthcoming project. On September 27th of the next year, it will be released.
Alia enthusiastically shared the thrilling information on her Instagram, writing, “Presenting #Jigra, directed by the extremely talented @vasanbala and produced by @dharmamovies & @eternalsunshineproduction.” Reflecting on her journey, she shared, “From debuting in a Dharma production to now producing a film with them, in many ways, it feels like coming full circle from where I started. Every day is a different day… exciting, challenging (and a little scary)… not just as an actor but also as a producer as we bring this film to life, and I CANNOT wait to share more as we move forward.”
By Vaishnavi Rastogi