28th October 2023, Mumbai: Ananya Panday were spotted together on Friday as they ventured out for what resembled a night out. Aditya and Ananya stopped people in their tracks as they twinned in dark. In one of the viral recordings which has surfaced on the web, Ananya was seen resting on Aditya’s shoulder as the pair looked alright with one another. Aditya was seen chuckling and conversing with others present at the setting. Two or three has stayed quiet about their supposed relationship and have neither affirmed nor denied the bits of gossip.
A few different recordings showed Aditya and Ananya conversing with their companions and laughing uncontrollably. Fans on the web were all hearts for the couple. One of the Fans stated, “So Wholesome.” Another Fan expressed, “They loook soo great together such most hottest couple of bollywood.”
Watch The Video Here
Ananya Pandey And Aditya Roy Kapoor Went On A Dinner Date
Pictures from Aditya and Ananya’s European Trip surfaced web-based a couple of months prior. Aditya focused on the get-away and said in a meeting with Hindustan Times, “I most certainly required a break. I missed the rainstorm however, I love storms in Mumbai. Since the second I returned, it has been pouring constant for multi week.” He then responded to the viral pictures flowing on the web and said “It’s great that I am not such a great amount via virtual entertainment. Yet, most certainly, I have heard.”
The bits of gossip encompassing their relationship began doing adjusts on the web last year after Ananya’s appearance on Koffee With Karan. Karan asked her, “I saw you at my party. What’s blending among you and Aditya Roy Kapoor?” Ananya answered, “I find Aditya Roy Kapur hot.”
On the work front, Ananya was as of late found in Dream Girl 2 inverse Ayushmann Khurrana. Aditya was most recently seen in The Night Manager.
By- Sapna Meena