20th October 2023, Mumbai: The highly anticipated movie directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra has generated exceptionally positive buzz among the public. Both lead actors, Vikrant Massey and Medha Shankar, are actively promoting the film. Recently, they visited Patna to promote the movie and sought blessings at the city’s renowned Hanuman Ji temple.
Dressed in black and white attire respectively, Vikrant Massey and Medha Shankar performed a pooja at the Pracheen Hanuman Ji temple in Patna, drawing a large crowd eager to catch a glimpse of the stars. Prior to their Patna visit, they also visited Ahmedabad, where they launched the song #Restart, participated in grand garba celebrations, and visited garba pandals, both looking delightful in traditional outfits.
“12th Fail,” inspired by a true story, sheds light on the challenges faced by millions of students attempting the UPSC entrance exam. However, the film goes beyond this exam, imparting a message of resilience and the importance of restarting in the face of failure. Directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, the movie is set to premiere worldwide on October 27 in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada languages.
Discussing about his character in the film, Vikrant state, “The role was very challenging. I have to lose weight and darken my skin because it covers the period of 9 to 10 years.” Medha conveyed to ANI and said, “The role was challenging because the movie is very emotionally demanding.” Talking about director Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Medha said, “He is an absolute genius and when you work with a genius, you have to give your best performance as he will expect you the same.”