3rd November 2023, Mumbai: Sony entertainment recently broadcasted a new show which is Dabangi Mulgi Aayi Re Aayi. This show revolves around the girl Arya, a bold and determined woman who finds her father Satya whom she believes to be away on a secret mission.
Dabangi Mulgi Aayi Re Aayi is an Indian Hindi language serial aired on Sony Tv channel. It features Sai Deodar, Nancy Makwana, Manav Gohil, Aamir Dalvi and Mahi Bhadra in lead roles.
Satya Makes Decision
In the previous episode, Satya Makes the decision to travel to Solapur in search of Arya and Chhaya. But as Chhaya boards a bus to leave Solapur and a sudden twist happens, Arya is missing.
Upcoming Episode
In today’s thrilling episode, Satya just released from jail takes revenge for his 8 years imporishement.
Later, Arya collided with a child and after that revealed it is Satya’s son, revelation overheard by Chhaya goes on shock.
discovering the child’s connection to Satya, Arya attempts to escape a group of boys.
Short Storyline Of Dabangi Mulgi Aayi Re Aayi
Aarya Dabangi is facing challenges and waiting to unite with her father. But the fact that she doesn’t know her father and her mother Chhaya never wants her to find out about her father.
By Sojwal Gurav