30th June 2023,Mumbai: On Friday, Neha Dhupia had some issues with her trip, and Sonu Sood, a colleague in the business, helped her out. In addition to dealing with numerous airline delays, Neha was travelling with her family and two children, Mehr and Guriq. She finally got aid from Sonu Sood, who she referred to as ‘the most dependable helpline’, to book her trip.
Neha wrote, “We are flying with family and two little kids… “ on Friday morning while tagging Indigo Airlines…continuous flight delay notifications from @IndiGo6E… I predict a chaotic day at the airport given the weather. In order to improve this difficult start to the day, I’ve been attempting to contact someone with authority and knowledge at your end. My number is mentioned on the ticket booking … kindly call. Need to be wise about travelling today.”
Neha was thanked for “acknowledging our team’s efforts in promptly resolving this” in a letter from Indigo after they had resolved the problem. They also wrote, “We truly appreciate your kind words for them and look forward to having you and your family on-board soon.”
Neha praised them and advised them to always pick up when Sonu Sood calls. “Thank you #PoonamDongrevadhavana, Nitesh and Moin for helping us iron out a smoother safer trip… @IndiGo6E and also for helping us out so promptly,” she wrote in her tweet. “Also always a good idea to respond to his call the best hotline @SonuSood, a true saviour.” Sonu replied to her tweet with “24/7. Anytime, Anywhere Just a phone call, always my friend”, with an emoticon of a heart.
In the 2005 movie Sheesha, Neha and Sonu were cast alongside one another. Additionally, they collaborated on the films Singh Is Kinng (2008) and Maximum (2012).
Sonu is renowned for his charitable deeds. He frequently offers assistance to people in person and on social media. He is currently filming Jacqueline Fernandez in his action movie Fateh.
At the recent presentation of her husband Angad Bedi’s anthology Lust Stories 2, Neha was spotted. Recently, Neha and Angad released the Chetan Bhagat-written audio series Social Distancing.
Neha, Angad, and their children moved into their new home last month. Neha had written a lengthy statement and included numerous images of her previous home as she recalled on the time spent there. “It’s a life stage crossed and onto the next one,” it said in part. “Also, our little love nest had way more memories than just these wonderful photos. Wish I could share all…” “Going to set up our beautiful new house.”
-by Kashvi Gala