Onir’s Triumph: Conquering Kashmir’s Great Lakes Trek

Filmmaker defies odds in a daring four-day feat.

Attention India
3 Min Read
  • 54-year-old Onir completes 73km trek in four days.
  • Overcoming freezing rivers and perilous boulders.
  • Stamina and support key to his remarkable success.

21st July 2023, Mumbai: Filmmaker Onir, aged 54, recently accomplished the challenging 73km long Kashmir Great Lakes trek (KGL trek), reaching an elevation of approximately 13,000 feet. While the trek usually takes seven to nine days, Onir’s determination and preparation enabled him to complete it within four days. In this article, we delve into Onir’s motivation, training regimen, and the extraordinary challenges he faced during this arduous adventure.

Preparing for the Trek:

Motivated by captivating pictures on Twitter, Onir embarked on rigorous preparation for the KGL trek. He jogged 10-12 kilometers twice a week, cycled, and swam to build stamina, well-aware that the journey ahead was no easy feat.

Overcoming Constant Challenges:

Onir reveals the toughest part of the trek was the ever-changing terrain, while having inadequate footwear for snow and boulders. He relied on a stick to keep moving and braved moments of doubt. Despite concerns, he resolved to conquer his fears, particularly the fear of heights, and pressed on.

A Terrifying River Crossing:

During the trek, Onir faced a harrowing incident when he slipped into a freezing river. Paralyzed by the cold, he couldn’t move his feet, but his guide came to the rescue, pulling him out of the water. This incident shook him deeply, highlighting the perilous nature of the expedition.

Narrow Escapes with Falling Boulders:

Onir encountered another life-threatening situation when his horse keeper warned him to walk faster to avoid falling boulders. Every year, unfortunate accidents occur at this point, but Onir decided to maintain his own pace, acknowledging his limitations as a 54-year-old. Nevertheless, he successfully completed the trek in four days.

Stamina and Support:

Onir attributes his success to his consistent physical activities like swimming, cycling, and jogging, which kept him in good shape and enabled him to endure the demanding journey without breathing problems. Moreover, he received unwavering encouragement and confidence boosts from his ghodawala (horse keeper) Parvez and his guide throughout the expedition.

Gratitude to Local Authorities:

The Jammu and Kashmir police and the Indian army played a crucial role in ensuring a smooth trek for Onir. They provided essential permits and assistance, facilitating the horse keeper’s safe passage through otherwise treacherous paths.

Filmmaker Onir’s extraordinary feat on the Kashmir Great Lakes trek exemplifies the power of determination and preparation. Overcoming treacherous terrains, freezing waters, and potential dangers, he emerged triumphant, proving that age should never be a barrier to pursue one’s passions. Onir’s journey stands as an inspiration for all aspiring adventurers to embrace challenges and embrace the support of those around them in their pursuit of conquering the great outdoors.

-by Kashvi Gala

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