On 21th December 2023, Mumbai: Today, Aly Goni’s brother Arslan Goni’s birthday where several celebrities cum his friends made an appearance for a birthday bash. Director and producer Ekta Kapoor who worked with birthday boy Arslan in ‘Main Hero Bol Raha Hoon’ is one of the guests. Arslan Goni’s girlfriend and Hrithik Roshan’s Ex-wife Sussanne Khan came with Shweta Bachchan for the celebration. The party also sees Orhan Awatramani Aka Orry to make fun in celebration. Orry who recently debuted in Bigg Boss 17 as a guest. Other celebrities like Zaid Khan, Sonal Chauhan, Meezan Jaffrey and Stabin.
Ekta Kapoor And Many Guest Came For The Celebration
Jasmine Bhasin is quite close to Aly’s brother Arslan Goni and his girlfriend Sussanne Khan. She spent time with his family, house parties and now reuniting for Arslan’s birthday celebration. Several known persons came to the celebration, one of them is director and producer Ekta Kapoor. Well, Arslan’s first debut with Ektaa Kapoor in the series ‘Main Hero Bol Raha Hoon’. Celebration went impacting when Arslan’s girlfriend Sussanne Khan came with Shweta Bachhan for the party.
Orry Came For Arslan’s Birthday Celebration
Another surprising guest in the party to make fun is Orhan Awatramani Aka Orry. He was recently seen in Bigg Boss 17 appearing as a guest. Aly Goni and Jasmin Bhasin arrived at the venue and Pap requested to pose and asked Shadi Kab Hain? Aly Goni replied, “Main Sabse Pehle Tere Ko Bataunga’.
Apart from them, there are many celebrities from BTown as well, Zayed Khan, Meezan Jaffrey, Stebin and others also spotted at the venue.
Aly Goni And Jasmin Bhasin Soon To Be Marrying
As the pap asked about marriage to Aly and Jasmin, Aly replied, “I let you know first”. Well, recently Aly posted a carousel picture on his official Instagram account. In the photo, we see Aly taking a selfie with Jasmin Bhasin and in the second frame sees a group photo with Jasmin, Arslan Goni, Sussanne Khan, Saltanat Goni and Rekha Kapoor. In the third photo, Aly was lying on Jasmin’s lap as the pair posed for the camera with their gang. The Goni’s spend time together every time they get a chance.
By Sojwal Gurav