4th November 2023, Mumbai: Urfi Javed was a popular actress Known For His Different Fashion Styles. In a viral video on Friday morning, Urfi was seen in a cafe shop and female police officers came and arrested her where they asked about inappropriate clothes to her and Urfi denied it. A viral video went to the oshiwara police station where they searched for her but later, Urfi mentioned it was scripted. Although Mumbai police filed the case against her included 4 members.
Whole Scenario On Friday Morning
On Friday morning, Urfi Javed was caught on camera during a casual outing at a cafe when an unexpected incident happened. Female police officer came and approached her when she was enjoying in a cafe . One of the female officers requested her to come to the police station. Firstly she was shocked. Later in response the officer talked about her clothing style and questioned her “Itne chote chote kapde kaun pehenke kaun ghumta hai?” And she denied it.
The message soon went viral and Oshiwara police ran to search her and finally ended up with her saying it was scripted.
Urfi Paid Money To Fake Police Officers
According to Oshiwara police, she made a public stunt by hiring the fake police officers. “It has been learned that Urfi Javed has paid Rs 1,000 to each of the three people who played the role of cops. They are extras working in Bollywood. Meanwhile, she paid Rs2,000 to the production manager who provided her with three people to act for her in the 38-second video,” said a police officer of the Oshiwara police station.
Public Stunt Gone Viral
After Defaming the Mumbai police, Urfi switched off her mobile after leaving a message that she was in Dubai. According to police, it was a publicity stunt that Urfi did to increase the social media followers on her social media account. No arrest has been made in the case.
A notice has been issued to the people seen in the video and Urfi. DCP (Zone IX) Krishnakant Upadhaya said a case has been filed under the Indian Penal Code sections 171 (Wearing garb or carrying a token used by a public servant with fraudulent intent), 419 (impersonation), 500 (defamation), and 34 (common intention) against Urfi and four others involved in defaming the Mumbai police. The vehicle in the video has been seized. The person namely, Ganpat, who had done the role of inspector has been taken into custody and further action and investigation are ongoing.
By Sojwal Gurav