27th October 2023, Mumbai: Having graced various television screens through hit shows like Kahaani Ghar Ghar Ki and Yeh Vaada Raha, Rinku Dhawan is no stranger to the limelight. Yet, her excitement is palpable as she prepares to join Bigg Boss and meet the legendary Salman Khan in person. Not only is she an avid viewer of his movies, with ‘Maine Pyaar Kiya’ and ‘Mujhse Shaadi Karogi’ topping her list, but she also rates him an impressive “100/10” as a host.
Salman Khan: Biased or Just Straightforward?
The question of bias has often circled Salman Khan’s tenure as a Bigg Boss host. However, Rinku firmly believes in the star’s fairness, emphasizing the immense pressure he bears in balancing both the channel’s and the audience’s viewpoints. To her, any perceived bias is a mere result of his forthright nature and commitment to authenticity.
Addressing the Controversies
While Salman Khan’s hosting has occasionally been marred by house-related controversies and allegations of favoritism, Rinku remains staunch in her support. She refrains from commenting on public perceptions, choosing instead to focus on her own observations. Rinku admits her primary motivation behind watching Bigg Boss was Salman himself, joking about wishing to appear on the show only during weekends when Salman is present. In her eyes, the success of Bigg Boss is intrinsically linked to Salman Khan’s charismatic hosting, crediting a significant part of the show’s triumph to him.