7th July 2023,Mumbai: The leads in Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin are now played by Shakti Arora, Bhavika Sharma, and Sumit Singh. The three of them have taken the lead roles on the TOP programme in place of Neil Bhatt, Ayesha Singh, and Aishwarya Sharma. To Bhavika and Sumit’s Savi and Reeva, Shakti portrays Ishaan. Fans are only just getting into the show, and they are doing it gradually. And now Shakti has revealed some intriguing information regarding Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin that will stun both his and the show’s viewers.
Shakti Arora made a startling revelation when speaking with an online entertainment news outlet. He reveals that he had previously been given the part of Virat Chavan. But for some reason, Shakti was unable to accept the offer. Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin afterwards became a tremendous success. The actor even acknowledges that it upset him. He also began to experience FOMO, but when he recognised Neil Bhatt as Virat, he was delighted. Neil met his life partner while filming the show, Shakti Arora gushes, adding that he earned that show. Neil ought to have done it, so. The actor continues in joke, saying that he accepted the offer becausee he didn’t want to experience FOMO again.
Shakti mentioned that he was in discussions for Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin with producer Rajesh Ram Singh in a different interview from many months back. However, nothing happened as planned.
Since Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin has consistently maintained its position in the top two of the TRP list, Shakti Arora was also questioned about the pressure of sustaining TRPs. Shakti acknowledges feeling under pressure during the coup. The actor hopes to boost the show’s ratings, and it can’t fall. “We simply cannot afford to let it fail. Therefore, it falls squarely on our shoulders to win over the spectators’ hearts and soar to new heights.”
Ishaan, played by Shakti Arora, is the director of the Bhosale Institute, which houses Bhavika Sharma’s Savi and Sumit Singh’s Reeva. He also battles his own demons. Shakti was previously portrayed in the Kundali Bhagya movie with Shraddha Ary. The actor has a sizable fan base in the business and is renowned for increasing the TRPs of the series he leads.
-by Kashvi Gala