27th August 2023, Mumbai: The sequel to the iconic film “Gadar: Ek Prem Katha,” aptly titled “Gadar 2,” continues to make waves at the box office, marking its triumphant journey with each passing day. Directed by Anil Sharma, the film has recently witnessed a surge in box office collections on its third Saturday, amassing nearly ₹13 crore in India. Released on August 11, “Gadar 2” is proving to be a resounding success, starring the charismatic Sunny Deol, the talented Ameesha Patel, and the young Utkarsh Sharma in lead roles.
Gadar 2 Box Office Collection
The film’s journey has been nothing short of remarkable. The collection data reflects its magnetic pull on the audience, with an estimated ₹12.5 crore nett on its sixteenth day, following a week one collection of ₹284.63 crore and a week two collection of ₹134.47 crore. The total collection now stands at a staggering ₹438.7 crore, firmly establishing “Gadar 2” as an all-time third-highest Hindi nett movie.
Gadar 2 to Break Pathaan & Baahubalis Record?
Trade analysts predict that “Gadar 2” could potentially challenge the domestic box office records set by blockbuster films like “Pathaan” and “Baahubali 2.” While “Pathaan” holds the title for the highest domestic grosser at ₹543.05 crore, “Baahubali 2: The Conclusion” boasts a lifetime domestic collection of ₹510.99 crore.
Gadar 2 Storyline and Overview
“Gadar 2” is the sequel to the heartwarming classic “Gadar: Ek Prem Katha,” which left a lasting impact when it first graced the screens in 2001. The sequel carries forward the legacy, delving into the historical backdrop of the 1947 Indian Partition. In this installment, we witness Sunny Deol’s character, Tara Singh, embarking on a daring mission to cross the border in a bid to rescue his son, portrayed by Utkarsh Sharma, who is held captive in Pakistan.
Sunny Deol Thanks Fans
Sunny Deol, expressing his heartfelt gratitude to his fans and followers, took to Instagram to share his joy and amazement at the film’s remarkable journey. In a video message, he conveyed his appreciation for the overwhelming response. Sunny’s portrayal of Tara Singh, along with Ameesha Patel’s character Sakeena and the entire family, has evidently resonated with the audience, contributing to the film’s spectacular success.
Gadar 2 Craze in London!
The film’s impact has even extended beyond the confines of the silver screen. Recently, a special screening of “Gadar 2” was organized in London, attended by Sunny himself. Additionally, the film’s team hosted a screening for members of the Lok Sabha (the lower house of India’s parliament) in the New Parliament House. This unique opportunity allowed parliament members to experience the cinematic journey of “Gadar 2” over three days, with five screenings scheduled each day.
By Yashika Desai