28th October 2023, Mumbai: “Leo,” helmed by director Lokesh Kanagaraj and featuring the charismatic duo of Vijay and Sanjay Dutt, has embarked on its second week since its theatrical debut. The film, complemented by Trisha and Arjun Sarja in key roles, has been met with a notable descent in box office earnings. On its ninth day, early estimates suggest a collection of ₹7 crore, nudging the overall domestic earnings to ₹271.25 crore.
The Ebb and Flow of Leo’s Journey
“Leo” commenced its cinematic journey with a commendable ₹64.8 crore opening in India, a sum that promised a robust trajectory. However, in the subsequent days, the film confronted the stark realities of critical backlash and unflattering word-of-mouth. It did show glimmers of hope on its maiden Sunday, raking in ₹39.8 crore, and maintained a respectable momentum with ₹30.7 crore on Dussehra. Unfortunately, the film’s fortune took a decisive downturn starting Wednesday, culminating in a Friday figure of just ₹7 crore. The initial week amassed ₹264.25 crore, though a substantial dip is anticipated in the second week.
Leo Reunion
“Leo” assembles a remarkable cast with Vijay opposite Trisha and the inclusion of Sanjay Dutt and Arjun Sarja. Notably, this film marks the revival of the successful partnership between Vijay and director Lokesh Kanagaraj, who had earlier delivered the blockbuster “Master” in 2021. The dynamic ensemble promised an engaging cinematic experience for audiences, heightening expectations.
Lokesh Kanagaraj ‘s Unforeseen Setback
A brief but unfortunate incident marred the film’s promotional activities. During an event at the Aroma Theatre in Palakkad, Kerala, director Lokesh Kanagaraj sustained a minor injury amidst a throng of eager onlookers gathered to catch a glimpse of him. Consequently, this untimely setback compelled the director to cancel two fan events scheduled elsewhere in the state. Kanagaraj expressed his gratitude to the people of Kerala for their unwavering support and conveyed his intentions to return for future interactions, promising that the fervor around “Leo” would persist.
Director Lokesh Kanagaraj’s Gratitude and Resilience
In the face of adversity, Lokesh Kanagaraj shared an update, expressing his gratitude for the love and enthusiasm he received from the people of Palakkad. His overwhelming response to the injury and the subsequent cancellation of events was met with heartfelt appreciation. He assured his supporters of a future rendezvous in Kerala and encouraged them to continue enjoying the cinematic journey of “Leo” with the same affection and fervor. In his message, Kanagaraj encapsulated the resilience and unwavering spirit that resonates within the world of cinema and its dedicated audience.
By Yashika Desai