4th November 2023, Mumbai: Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata hai featuring Harshad Chopda and Pranali Rathod. Now, the show is taking a generation leap and many old cast members quit the show. It will be interesting to watch the new story, new cast and everything but fans are not happy that AbhiRa’s love story is ending. News generation cast are Samridhii Shukla, Shehzada Dhami, Shruti Ulfat, Sandeep Rajora, Shivam Khajuria, Preeti Amin, Preeti Puri Choudhary, Sandeep Baswana, Saloni Sandhu, Rishabh Jaiswal, Sikandar Kharbanda, Gaurav Sharma, Pratiksha Honmukhe.
Shruti Ulfat Revealed Her First Reaction As Part Of Show
In the new storyline of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata hai Shruti Ulfat is now part of it. She will play the role of Vidya Poddar who is the mother of the main hero. Speaking to a reporter, she revealed that she wrapped up her shoot of her show Ahilyabai and got a call from Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata hai makers that they want to join the cast as the mother of the hero.
They called her to meet them the next day and she did the test for the role. Rajan Shahi immediately called her and told her that she was finalized. Shruti said it was a lovely reaction. The reason why she is happy is that this show has been running for 15 years on screen with bang.
She added, this show is beautiful because it is about family and relationships. She mentioned, she was happy to be a part of this show and working with Rajan Shahi after almost 23 to 24 years.
Shruti Ulfat Talk About Shooting At Mahabaleshwar
She said, “It is rare to see so many people working in a particular production house for such a long time. So many people from the crew have been working since the inception of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. That is applaud-worthy. It is a unique factor. It is a lovely experience shooting here.”
She shared that their bonding with each other is great and they all are having fun with each other in shooting.
By Sojwal Gurav