Sabyasachi Mukherjee, a renowned Indian fashion designer, had been a favorite designer because of his timeless and traditional designs. Tamannaah Bhatia, Aishwarya rai Bachchan, vidya Balan’s, Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra, Kangana Ranaut and other celebs also… Priyana Chopra and Deepika Padukone embraced their fans by wearing and showcasing Sabyasachi’s various designs for various occasions.
Aishwarya rai Bachchan at Cannes (2017):
Aishwarya rai Bachchan stunned at the Cannes film festival in the year of 2017 in Sabyasachi’s creation that was a departure from her usual red-carpet choices. The off-shoulder floral gown with silhouette was a refreshing departure.
Tamannaah Bhatia’s playful vibrant elegance:
Tamannaah Bhatia effortlessly embodies playful-vibrant elegance with her distinct fashion choices. Whether gracing the red carpet or casual events, she exudes a refreshing charm. Tamannaah’s style resonates with vibrant colors, lively patterns, and a playful mix of traditional and contemporary elements. Whether its chic ensemble or a traditional outfit, Tamannaah’s wardrobe choices exude a lively energy that sets her apart, making her a trendsetter in the realm of fashion.
Priyanka Chopra at Cannes (2019):
Priyanka Chopra made heads turn at Cannes film festival event in 2019. She choosed a bold and unconventional saree by Sabyasachi. The sheer black saree with dramatic fringes and a risqué blouse showcased Priyanka’s fearless fashion sense.
Kangana Ranaut’s Cannes (2018):
Kangana Ranaut’s appearance at Cannes film festival event which was held in the year of 2018 was marked by Sabyasachi saree-gown that turned heads. The sheer embroidered creation with a long trial showcased Sabyasachi’s traditional elements with contemporary cuts.
Vidya Balan’s Cannes (2013):
Vidya Balan who is known for love for saree made a bold statement at Cannes film festival in the year of 2013 with a Sabyasachi saree. The black and maroon saree, paired with a full sleeved blouse, challenged the conventional idea on red carpet glamour, proving that traditional Indian attire can be elegant and impactful on global stage.
-by bajanapati lahari.