International Yoga Day 2023’s Life-Changing Asanas: Unlock the Door to Deep Sleep

Improve Your Sleep Quality with Yoga Poses on International Yoga Day.

Attention India
3 Min Read
  • Yoga asanas can help ease stress and improve sleep quality
  • Yoga Asanas are effective for better sleep
  • Enhance melatonin levels and promote a peaceful state of mind

18 June 2023, Mumbai: Sleep deficit and disorders have become increasingly prevalent worldwide, affecting people’s well-being and daily functioning. According to a 2019 study by the US-based firm Fitbit, India ranks as the second-most sleep-deprived country, with an average sleep duration of seven hours and one minute. Additionally, 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep issues, leading to long-term health implications. The fast-paced, stressful nature of modern life is often to blame for these sleep disturbances. However, on the occasion of International Yoga Day, there is a ray of hope for those seeking improved sleep quality. Yoga, with its ability to alleviate stress and induce relaxation, can significantly enhance sleep quality. Yoga serves as a pathway to restore deep sleep and manage insomnia. By gently soothing both the mind and body, yoga prepares them for a serene slumber.

Here are five yoga asanas and practices that can help manage sleep disorders and improve the quality of sleep:

1. Surya Namaskar:This fluid sequence of poised postures, when practiced slowly in the evening, pays homage to the resplendent energy of the sun. It gracefully stretches the limbs, releasing pent-up tension and fostering relaxation.

2. Yashtikasana:The resolute stillness and gentle stretch of the Stick Pose offer a sense of quietude to the body and mind. Its meditative rhythm harmonizes the body-mind complex, inducing a state of restfulness.

3. Bhadrasana:Symbolic of the delicate unfurling of petals, Bhadrasana gradually releases stiffness, strengthens, and stretches. It brings relief to fatigued muscles and gradually eases the knots of tension in the lower body.

4. Bhramari:The Bee Breath hums a melodious lullaby of tranquility as the sun bids farewell to the day, embracing the serenity of bedtime. By emulating the drone of a bee, the vibrations drown out disquieting thoughts, leading the weary mind away from the chaos of the world.

5. Abdominal Breathing:This rhythmic symphony of breath orchestrates each inhalation and exhalation. The steady rise and fall of the abdomen serve as a comforting lullaby, inducing profound relaxation in the mind.

According to Dr. Hansaji Yogendra, these yoga asanas and pranayama techniques enhance melatonin levels, promoting a peaceful state of mind that naturally supports sleep. By relaxing the nervous system, these practices effectively manage insomnia and restlessness during the night. On this International Yoga Day, let us embrace the power of yoga and discover the transformative effects it can have on our sleep. Incorporate these asanas and practices into your daily routine to experience the restorative benefits of a good night’s sleep.

By Yashika Desai.

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