Unlocking Women’s Freedom: The Power of Egg Freezing!

Preserving Fertility, Empowering Choices: The Egg Freezing Revolution

Attention India
6 Min Read
  • Egg freezing empowers women to control their fertility.
  • Understanding the procedure and managing associated risks.
  • Maximizing egg collection for future reproductive success.

2nd October 2023, Mumbai: Empowering Women through Egg Freezing

Egg freezing, once a hushed topic, has become a crucial aspect of women’s reproductive choices. It allows women to take control of their fertility, irrespective of their biological clocks, enabling them to focus on their careers, health, and personal lives. Dr. Gopalkrishna Gawde, a renowned fertility expert, emphasizes the importance of this procedure, stating that it safeguards against age-related infertility and grants women greater reproductive autonomy.

Understanding the Procedure: Oocyte Cryopreservation

The cornerstone of egg freezing is oocyte cryopreservation. This process commences with hormonal stimulation, followed by the retrieval, freezing, and storage of a woman’s eggs. These frozen eggs can later be fertilized in vitro (IVF), with the resulting embryos implanted in the womb for gestation. The procedure is a boon for women, increasing the chances of preserving the healthiest oocytes for future motherhood. However, it’s essential to note that the cost varies, with INR 2,00,000 as a general starting point, plus additional fees for extended storage.

Navigating Risks and Side Effects

Dr. Gawde elucidates that the risks and side effects associated with ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval are akin to those experienced during IVF. Hormonal medications can lead to discomfort, and there’s a potential for tissue damage during the retrieval process. Improper storage could also pose risks. Moreover, successful pregnancy comes with its own set of potential complications. For optimal results, egg freezing should ideally occur before the age of 36, as the success rates of live births decrease significantly beyond that age.

Maximizing Egg Collection for Future Success

A crucial aspect of egg freezing is the collection of a maximum number of eggs while ensuring the quality of the eggs. Dr. Gawde highlights that older patients may require more sessions for egg recovery, but eggs collected at a younger age have a shelf life of ten years. Balancing the ideal age for collection with the number of retrieval cycles is essential. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) reports high survival rates of oocytes retrieved from women under 30 after vitrification and thawing, emphasizing the potential for success.

The Importance of Open Communication

Dr. Gawde emphasizes the significance of clear and frank discussions with gynecologists and fertility specialists when opting for egg freezing. Adequate financial planning for both the procedure and storage is essential. Starting the process at a relatively early age can provide women with the freedom to plan their futures on their terms. In a world where societal pressures often dictate the timeline for motherhood, egg freezing emerges as an empowering choice that allows women to set their pace.

Egg freezing is more than just a medical procedure; it’s a lifeline for women seeking to preserve their fertility and exercise control over their reproductive choices. As the field of reproductive technology advances, more women are likely to embrace this empowering option. It’s a testament to the progress of science and society, where women are no longer constrained by the ticking of their biological clocks but are instead empowered to make life decisions on their own terms.

1. What is egg freezing, and how does it work?

   – Egg freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, is a procedure that involves the hormonal stimulation, retrieval, freezing, and storage of a woman’s eggs. These frozen eggs can later be used for in vitro fertilization (IVF) when the woman decides to have a child.

2. What are the benefits of egg freezing for women?

   – Egg freezing empowers women by allowing them to take control of their fertility. It enables them to preserve their healthy eggs for future motherhood, regardless of their age, so they can focus on career, health, and personal goals.

3. What are the potential risks and side effects of egg freezing?

   – The risks and side effects of egg freezing are similar to those of IVF, including discomfort from hormonal medications, the possibility of tissue damage during egg retrieval, and potential complications during pregnancy. It’s crucial to discuss these with a fertility specialist.

4. When is the ideal age to consider egg freezing?

   – Ideally, women should consider egg freezing before the age of 36, as the success rates decrease significantly with age. However, the best age may vary depending on individual circumstances, and discussing this with a specialist is essential.

5. What are the costs associated with egg freezing?

   – The cost of egg freezing can vary, but it generally starts around INR 2,00,000 in India, with additional fees for extended storage. Adequate financial planning is crucial, and individuals should inquire about the costs involved in their specific case.

-by Kashvi Gala

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