The actor Arun Govil, best known for playing Lord Ram in Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan, expressed his happiness on receiving an invitation to the Ram Temple in Ayodhya’s Pran Pratishta ceremony on January 22. He was excited about what was about to happen and expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to attend the ceremony. In a conversation with ANI, Govil said, “I am happy that I received an invitation for the Pran Pratishtha ceremony, and I am looking forward to going there (Ayodhya) to witness it and for the Ram Lalla darshan. It is a very big opportunity.” “I consider myself lucky that this has happened in my lifetime; everything is going very well, the atmosphere is positive, the energy is there, and we are all very happy,” he further added.
Talking about the success of this occasion, Govil remarked, “I believe that if we have to give credit to one person, then we will give it to Modi ji because of the way he has worked and spread the energy throughout, although I have accepted that whenever such work is done, it is not done by one person.”
About the momentous event
Many well-known individuals will attend the Pran Pratishta ceremony, which is set for January 22, 2024. In addition to Arun Govil, the actress who won praise for playing Goddess Sita in the cult favourite TV series Ramayan, Dipika Chikhlia, has also been invited. Beginning one week before the major event on January 16, Vedic rites will be performed for Ram Lalla’s Pran-Pratishtha ceremony. According to reports, the Sri Ram Janambhoomi Trust has made plans for 10,000–15,000 visitors, and local officials are working hard to set up improved security and logistical plans to guarantee a smooth and spiritual experience for every guest.
Taking to the microblogging site X, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the special song “Har Ghar Mandir Har Ghar Utsav“, sung by Divya Kumar and composed by Siddharth Amit Bhavsar will enable people to experience the “atmosphere of faith and devotion”. “After centuries of waiting, the moment of auspicious time is near in Ayodhya Dham. On this auspicious occasion, the praise of Lord Ram is echoing everywhere from North to South and from East to West. You will experience this atmosphere of faith and devotion through this presentation. #ShriRamBhajan” he wrote.
Mauritius Government grants two-hour break for Hindu Officials on Jan 22
On the day of the Ayodhya consecration event, public servants of the Hindu faith will receive a two-hour break from the Mauritius government. The Hindu authorities might participate in the day’s poojas and local ceremonies during the break. “The Cabinet has agreed to the grant of a one-off special leave of two hours on Monday 22 January 2024 as from 14:00 hours to public officers of Hindu faith, subject to exigencies of service, in the context of the inauguration of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir in India, which is a landmark event as it symbolises the return of Lord Ram in Ayodhya,” official statement from the Mauritian Cabinet, led by PM Pravind Kumar Jugnauth read.
By: Gursharan Kaur