In order to celebrate her marriage to Nupur Shikhare, Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan is currently being held up at the Taj Lake Palace in Udaipur. After posting pictures of their fun on Saturday, Ira finally sent her brother Junaid Khan a unique photo. A few more wedding-related legacy photos are included, along with a quick glimpse of her cousin Zayn Marie Khan dressed up in a saree for the Saturday event.
Beautiful Pictures From Ira and Nupur’s Wedding
The photo of Junaid and Ira is from her wedding, which took place in Mumbai on January 3. “And we finally have a picture together,” Ira wrote after posting it to her Instagram Stories. The family members are adorable as they take a moment to get together for the picture. Ira is discovered wearing her wedding attire, and Junaid is discovered wearing a dark suit.
She posted a nearby legacy photo of her exploring the mirror in preparation for her wedding on Instagram Stories. She also dropped a folder of pictures of herself getting ready and showing with a few friends while wearing a bathrobe.
Wedding Celebrations in Udaipur
On Saturday, Ira shared genuine pictures of herself absorbing a few sun a short white dress and a cowhide coat. She likewise shared two pictures to show a brief look at the exercise they did as a component of a great service. It showed Ira doing a headstand alongside others. Can it be our wedding without a bunch of workouts? @nupur_popeye Warm up: Bring Sally Up – push-ups. Workout: Push-ups. Jump squats. Namashkar push-ups. Squat and press. Wide push-ups. Side squats. Burpees. Donkey kicks to wrestler sitouts Handstands + pictures!!” she captioned the pictures.
Zayn Marie Khan of “Monica O My Darling” shared a new image of herself decked up in a dark and red saree later that night.
About Ira Khan
Ira Khan is Aamir’s just daughter from his first wife, Reena Dutta. She is a play director and has won many awards for her directional skills. Aamir’s second ex-wife Kiran Rao and their child Azad Rao Khan were also present at the festivities.
By- Gursharan Kaur