30th June 2023,Mumbai: Ten days ago, Ram Charan and Upasana Kamineni gave birth to a girl. She has been lavished with love and care by her proud parents, who are on cloud nine over her birth, and her proud grandparents. Ram Charan and Upasana announced to the media that they will soon be revealing the name of their baby girl to everyone as they were bringing their daughter home from the hospital. And the day has come. Megastar Chiranjeevi, Mega Princess’s ecstatic grandfather, has finally announced her name. It is a truly original and lovely name. Klin Kaara Konidela is the name of the baby girl born to Ram Charan and Upasana Kamineni.
Soon after the newborn girl joined the family, Chiranjeevi, who was overjoyed to announce that RC and Upasana had become parents, shared her name on social media. The megastar has been tweeting about the baby and his excitement for it. This time, though, Chiranjeevi uploaded a photo of himself with his granddaughter.
The picture also includeincludees Shobana and Anil Kamineni, the parents of Upasana, and Ram Charan’s mother. They are Klin Kaara’s other three grandparents. They are all dressed traditionally. In her cradle, Klin Kaara is dozing. It appears that the family planned a thorough ceremony for the day of name-keeping. Such beautiful aesthetics may be seen in the image. Additionally, Upasana posted images from the ceremony in which she and Ram Charan are also in the picture alongside the four grandparents and Mega Princess.
The Lalitha Sahasranama Nama serves as the source for Klin Kaara. According to the mama bear, it denotes a spiritual awakening brought on by transforming, purifying energy. On the other side, Chiranjeevi exclaimed that it was a representation of nature. The name Klin Kaara embodies the utmost strength of Shakthi, the celestial mother. He is confident that the child will grow up with all of these traits. The fact that the megastar will have a baby girl as a grandchild absolutely enchants her.
On June 20, Ram Charan and Upasana Kamineni welcomed a baby girl. The Game Changer star made light of the question by telling the journalists that she reminded him of himself. Klin Kaara, welcome to the world once more.
-by Kashvi Gala