29 October 2023, Mumbai: The film ’12th Fail,’ featuring Vikrant Massey in a pivotal role, has gained substantial momentum on its second day at the box office. Vidhu Vinod Chopra, renowned for his directorial finesse, joins hands with Massey to bring forth a cinematic masterpiece that celebrates unwavering determination. Released on the 27th of October, the film’s Day 2 figures have affirmed that the audience resonates with the film’s message and storytelling, rendering it a resounding success.
Audiences Applaud ’12th Fail’
The audience reception for ’12th Fail’ has been nothing short of exuberant. Since its release on October 27, the film’s second-day collections have outstripped its initial day’s earnings, a testament to its enduring appeal. On its first Saturday, the film raked in a commendable sum of Rs 2.20 crore, dwarfing its Day 1 earnings of Rs 1.10 crore. Consequently, the cumulative box office collection for ’12th Fail’ now stands at an impressive Rs 3.30 crore. Such a positive reception bodes well for its upcoming weekend run, hinting at a significant upsurge in popularity.
Glimpse into ’12th Fail’
’12th Fail,’ directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, embarked on a global journey starting October 27, offering its narrative in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada. This feature stars Vikrant Massey, who flawlessly portrays the character of Manoj, while Medha Shankar takes on the role of the female lead. The film is an adaptation of Anurag Pathak’s novel and delves into the life trajectories of two distinguished individuals – IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma and IRS officer Shraddha Joshi.
A Promising Box Office Collection
The film’s promising box office trajectory is indicative of the audience’s affinity for compelling narratives and well-crafted characters. As ’12th Fail’ continues to gain momentum, it is poised to experience yet another substantial surge in popularity on its first Sunday, potentially culminating in an impressive opening weekend collection. This heartening response reinforces the fact that the audience truly resonates with the film’s underlying themes of perseverance and resilience.
The Thumbs-Up for ’12th Fail’ Continues
The resounding applause from the audience firmly establishes ’12th Fail’ as a cinematic gem. With each passing day, the film’s success story continues to unfold, showcasing the power of a well-told narrative and dedicated performances. As the weekend approaches, the film’s future at the box office looks even brighter, promising a successful run that aligns perfectly with the spirit of determination championed in ’12th Fail.’
By Yashika Desai