The well-known K-drama actor Ryu Jun-yeol talked about the specifics of his next projects in an interview with SPOTVNEWS, a South Korean media site, on Thursday, January 4. Of course, one of the queries centered on his response to J.Y. Park’s congrats during the 44th Blue Dragon Film Awards, which went viral. People assumed that Ryu Jun-yeol was not happy with the idol’s performance when the actor was questioned about his humorous reaction after the award show performance. The actor clarified the confusion, saying that it wasn’t what he had in mind. He added that he liked J.Y. Park’s stage and that he admired him. His response was primarily influenced by other thoughts he was having that had little to do with the idol’s performance.
Blue Dragon Film Awards
On November 24, the 44th Blue Dragon Film Awards were held at the KBS Hall in Yeouido, Seoul. It brought together several Korean actors and film professionals. K-pop artists typically perform at K-based award presentations, and this time, NewJeans and J.Y. Park took to the stage to congratulate the victors on their well-deserved prizes. But J.Y. Park’s startling performance, lavish costume sets, and dance quickly went viral following the award event, drawing a wide range of responses from the crowd. Ryu Jun-yeol was one of the actors whose memorable and humorous replies were constantly discussed.
The actor clarifies the misunderstanding
The actor clarified in a recent interview with SPOTVNEWS that his response was not intended as a mockery or an expression of his displeasure, even though he was still receiving a lot of attention for the same. He said that because J.Y. Park’s performance suited his tastes better than NewJeans’, he preferred it. The actor recounted the whole incident to justify his position.
He began by saying that when he was sitting there at the awards, a lot of things were going through his head, like if he would actually win the prize for which he was nominated. He was, nevertheless, equally pleased to see his co-stars and employees win prizes. The fact that Ryu Jun-yeol did not get his prize, however, further complicated his response. The actor apologized for the misunderstanding by saying, “First of all, I would like to apologize, there was clearly a misunderstanding. I would like to explain that situation in detail. I guess we need to talk about NewJeans first. It’s important who you sit next to at an award ceremony. Because they will be a friend that you will be talking to for a few hours. I was shocked when NewJeans came out. Actress Ahn Eun-jin talked about which member she liked and that one member was in elementary school during the pandemic.” Next, Ryu Jun-yeol explained his thoughts while J.Y. Park performed. He clarified that he was amazed by his ambition and stage. In addition, Ryu Jun-yeol mentioned that his response has become so well-known that it is now featured in his filmography. He wanted to set the record straight and say that, while he’s delighted that his response has received a lot of attention, he also respected and valued J.Y. Park.
“If you talk to Eunjin, you will get the same answer. What I really like about this meme is that it can be used for any occasion. Even ‘Happy New Year, Merry Christmas’ is possible. It works with everything. I feel so happy and proud. But I want to clear up any misunderstanding. He showed us a new stage and it was amazing. For me, I am more Park Jin Young than NewJeans. I can feel his tireless energy and passion for 30 years. I can see the path I have to walk,” the actor concluded.
By: Gursharan Kaur