On 21st December 2023, Mumbai: Popular celebrities Aly Goni and Jasmin Bhasin captivated fans through their vlogs where they spent time together. Fans, pap and even their friends constantly asked about their marriage plans. Recently, In Jasmin’s vlog she shared her experience of a spiritual retreat in Bangalore with her good friend Krishna Mukherjee. She shared a stronger spiritual connection and improved mental well being during her stay.
Jasmin Bhasin Shared Her Meditation Journey Through Vlogs
Recently, Jasmin Bhasin went Bangalore for a spiritual stay with her close friend Krishna Mukherjee where she enjoyed the vibes of the place. She expressed her experience of feeling more spiritually connected and having improved mentally. Well, she was meeting her childhood friend after a decade in Bangalore. Jasmin shared that her friend Bhanushree has always been in touch but both of them are quite busy with their own lives and couldn’t meet each other personally.
Jasmin Bhasin Opened Up About Her Marriage With Aly Goni
When talking about her best friend Bhanushree Jasmine says, “She was my only best friend in school. I am going to meet her daughter for the first time who is a school-going kid. Bhanushree cooked a tasty meal for us and also pampered us with healthy desserts too.”
Jasmine then answers the most asked question on when she will marry Aly, “Someday we have to marry. When it’s the right time for us we will get married, we aren’t marrying for the people, I want to marry for us. Even in the ashram, the aunties were like kar lo, kar lo.”
Jasmin Bhasin’s Friend Advised Her For Taking The Decision
Jasmin Bhasin not to give the detailed information about her marriage with Aly Goni but according to her she will think and take the decision at the right time. During the conversation Jasmine’s friend advises, “Marry only when you are ready for all the responsibilities.”
Jasmine further added, “I trust my boyfriend, accha hai woh, kahin mujhe dhoka woka deke nahi bhag raha hai. When we feel we are ready, we will do it.”
Paparazzi Asked Aly Goni About The Marriage With Jasmin Bhasin
As the pap asked about marriage to Aly and Jasmin, Aly replied, “I let you know first”. Well, recently Aly posted a carousel picture on his official Instagram account. In the photo, we see Aly taking a selfie with Jasmin Bhasin and in the second frame sees a group photo with Jasmin, Arslan Goni, Sussanne Khan, Saltanat Goni and Rekha Kapoor. In the third photo, Aly was lying on Jasmin’s lap as the pair posed for the camera with their gang. The Goni’s spend time together every time they get a chance.
By Sojwal Gurav