On 21th December 2023, Mumbai: Bollywood director and producer Karan Johar known for his several blockbuster movies. Currently, Karan Johar hosts the talk show Koffee With Karan where he engages the celebrities and tries to open up about controversial topics. Well, during the show he shared that he was “Traumatised” with Amresh Puri when working with one of his iconic films ‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge’.
Karan Johar Was Assistant Director Of ‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge’
Kajol and Shah Rukh Khan starrer ‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge’ was one of the iconic films of Karan Johar. Karan was assistant director of the film. During the shooting he shared, he was intimidated by Amrish Puri; the latter was very particular about detailing of the scenes. Well, Karan shared that he was Traumatized with Amresh Puri while working for the film ‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge’.
Ajay Devgan And Rohit Shetty Gracing The Stage Of Koffee With Karan Show
The upcoming episode of Talk show Koffee With Karan starred bollywood superstar Ajay Devgan alongside director Rohit Shetty to make the fun. During the episode, Karan Johar reminiscent about the old times, as he said: “I have to tell you, my father and Amrish ji ( Amrish Puri) come from the same village, so the first person my father told me whose feet I had to touch was Amrish ji’s.”
Ajay Devgn said: “The only person whose feet I have touched is also Amrish ji because the first shot I took with him, I touched his feet.”
Karan Johar Shared Amresh Puri’s Detailing About Particular Things
Karan added: “So I used to be very scared of him. When I was an AD on ‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge’, he was particular about detailing, he would come and say ki time kya hai? I gave the time of what the time was, I thought he was asking me the time. He said, London mein time kya hai? scene ka time kya hai? Taaki mein ghadi ko uss time mein set karu, shawl kis tarah mein drape karun, I used to be traumatized by him. ” He was such a wonderful man.”
Talking about Amrish Puri, Ajay Devgn said: “They used to say, and it is a fact, that kisi ke ghar pe shaadi ho, kisi ke ghar pe koi death ho jaaye, he was the first man to be there.”
By Sojwal Gurav