Stress and Psoriasis: Understanding the Connection and Effective Management

Exploring the Impact of Stress on Psoriasis Symptoms and Treatment Options

Attention India
5 Min Read
  • Stress triggers psoriasis flare-ups and worsens symptoms.
  • Stress can reduce the efficacy of psoriasis treatment.
  • Strategies to manage stress and minimize its impact.

22nd June 2023, Mumbai: It is well knowledge that stress triggers inflammatory reactions in the body as well as immune system activation. It could make psoriasis symptoms worse, causing flare-ups and making the condition harder to manage. Psoriasis flares are frequently brought on by stress, which can also make them more itchy. Therefore, being able to control stress is particularly important for those who have psoriasis. The National Centre of Biotechnology Information reports that 31-88% of patients identify stress as a psoriasis cause. There is evidence that stress may contribute to the progression and worsening of psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory disease that creates red, scaly spots on the top layer of your skin.

Psoriasis is routinely treated with immunosuppressive drugs. On the other side, stress may negate the advantages of these drugs, reducing their efficacy.

Psoriasis has been demonstrated to be significantly impacted by stress. There are strategies to manage stress and decrease its effects on psoriasis, even if it can be challenging to completely erase stress from a person’s life. Examples include mindfulness exercises, physical activity, relaxation techniques, and consulting a mental health expert.

Psoriasis Symptoms and Diagnosis

Stress can lead to an increase in the body’s inflammatory response, which can cause psoriasis flare-ups. It can also cause an overproduction of skin cells, which causes the thick, scaly patches of skin that are distinctive to psoriasis.

Stress can heighten nerve sensitivity, intensifying the sensation of psoriasis symptoms. Stress can set off psoriatic arthritis, a kind of arthritis that can manifest in psoriasis sufferers and result in painful and swollen joints. Stress can lead to weariness and exhaustion, which can make it harder to control the symptoms of psoriasis.

A physical examination of the affected skin, a review of the patient’s medical history, and occasionally a skin biopsy are used to diagnose psoriasis. However, because the symptoms of stress-related psoriasis can be confused with those of other types of psoriasis or skin problems, it can be challenging to get a definitive diagnosis.

Stress-related psoriasis homoeopathic treatment

The science of homoeopathy has been demonstrated to be effective in treating psoriasis. It produces long-lasting, effective benefits without any risk of negative side effects.  According to research published in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (JEADV), homoeopathic treatment for psoriasis patients resulted in significant enhancements to their quality of life (QOL) and a decrease in psoriasis symptoms.

Homoeopathy is an affordable kind of medicine that takes a holistic approach to healing by addressing the underlying causes of the patient’s condition. The physical and mental health of a patient is taken into account by our team of leading dermatologists. To gain a deeper understanding of the patient’s situation, homoeopathic physicians also hold in-depth consultations. 

To lessen skin redness and itching, Kali Ars is applied to the scalp.

The most effective treatment for psoriasis that develops after mental distress is Natrum Muriaticum 200. It is beneficial for patients with dry psoriatic patches, which most commonly affect the scalp, hairy edge, behind the ears, bends of joints, and the majority of exposed skin areas.

To take homoeopathic medications, take 4 pills in 30 C, twice day, till symptoms go away.


Doctors utilise Wood’s lamps, a medical device, to search for skin anomalies that are not visible to the human eye. The lamp produces long-wave UV light, which helps your doctor identify the condition of your skin and, in some situations determining the source of your skin disease.

Another procedure that has transformed skin care is Derma Heal. A revolutionary skincare technique that uses homoeopathy and the advantages of UVB light to address skin conditions safely and naturally.

Homoeopathic medicine treats the underlying cause of psoriasis in addition to the visible symptoms, producing long-lasting effects.  It aids in restoring the normal function of the damaged immunity. This helps to manage psoriasis more effectively and prevents the condition from worsening.

It is advised to seek medical advice from a professional when treating psoriasis.

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