Mumbai: In the aftermath of communal clashes in Naya Nagar at Mira Road, Shiv Sena MLA Pratap Sarnaik met with the Mira Road Commissioner, delivering a stern ultimatum. He pressed for the immediate arrest of all individuals involved in the violent incident. Pratap Sarnaik issued a warning that unless the accused are apprehended within 48 hours, Mira Road will witness a shutdown on January 25.
Arrests and Ongoing Investigation:
Mumbai police have already arrested thirteen suspected individuals connected to the clashes. Additionally, a case has been registered against fifty to sixty unidentified individuals involved in the incident. Rigorous efforts are underway to locate the remaining accused, employing techniques such as the identification of suspects from a viral video and analysis of CCTV footage.
Immediate Police Action:
The arrests were a swift response to the identification of suspects in a viral video and thorough examination of CCTV footage. The police have taken prompt action against those responsible for the violence.
MLA Pratap Sarnaik’s Concerns:
Expressing his concern over the incident, MLA Pratap Sarnaik emphasized that such clashes had never occurred before in Mira Bhayander city. He further noted that Mira Bhayander is recognized as a mini India, and an incident of this nature is highly undesirable. Pratap Sarnaik urged Police Commissioner Madhukar Pandey to prioritize the investigation, insisting on the arrest of all responsible individuals within the stipulated 48 hours. He cautioned that failure to do so would lead to a Shiv Sena protest on January 25.
Details of the Violent Clash:
The violent clash erupted on Sunday around 10.30 pm during a gathering organized by a group of ten to twelve individuals chanting slogans in praise of Lord Ram, in anticipation of the Ram temple consecration ceremony in Ayodhya. The situation escalated rapidly when some participants ignited firecrackers, resulting in a heated argument and an attack on the present vehicles. Multiple individuals were reportedly assaulted, leading to injuries sustained by two individuals, including a woman who suffered a forehead injury.
By Mahananda Bhattacharjee