30 June 2023,Mumbai: In an unexpected turn of events, Ameesha Patel, who is set to reprise her iconic role as Sakina in the highly-anticipated film Gadar 2, may have inadvertently revealed a major spoiler from the upcoming movie. A recently released teaser featuring Sunny Deol’s character, Tara Singh, sitting near a grave and crying, led to widespread speculation that he was mourning the loss of Sakina. However, Ameesha took to her Instagram account to clarify that Sakina is not dead in Gadar 2, leaving fans with mixed emotions.
The teaser scene sparked intense curiosity among fans, who have eagerly awaited the release of Gadar 2, the sequel to the 2001 blockbuster Gadar: Ek Prem Katha. Many had speculated that Sakina’s demise would be a significant plot point, adding to the emotional depth of the film. However, Ameesha’s Instagram post debunked those assumptions, stating, “Hey all my lovely fans!! Too many of you have been concerned and worried with this shot from GADAR 2 thinking it’s SAKINA who is dead!! Well, it’s not!! Who it is I can’t say, but it’s not SAKINA!! So please don’t WORRY!! Love you all.”
While Ameesha’s revelation brought relief to fans who didn’t want to see Sakina meet a tragic end, it also sparked a wave of mixed reactions. Some fans expressed their disappointment, believing that the spoiler divulged an essential twist before the film’s release. One fan commented, “Why are you spoiling the movie before its release? People would have gone in anticipation of something wrong with Sakina. Now you curtailed the audience by giving the spoiler out.” Another fan echoed the sentiment, stating, “Yeah, we don’t want Sakina dead.”
Directed by Anil Sharma, Gadar 2 is set to hit theatres on August 11, marking the clash of three highly anticipated films at the box office. Alongside Ameesha Patel and Sunny Deol, the movie also features Utkarsh Sharma, Simrat Kaur, and Luv Sinha in pivotal roles. The clash will pit Gadar 2 against Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal and Akshay Kumar’s Oh My God 2, adding an extra layer of excitement and competition in the industry.
The simultaneous release of these three big-budget movies is expected to create a buzz among film enthusiasts, who will have to choose between the gripping saga of Gadar 2, the animalistic intensity of Animal, and the divine comedy of Oh My God 2. The clash promises a thrilling battle at the box office, as fans eagerly anticipate the release of these highly awaited films.
As the countdown to August 11 begins, fans will anxiously await further updates and trailers, hoping for a captivating and memorable cinematic experience from Gadar 2 and its formidable competitors
By: Tanya Chantola