27 October 2023, Mumbai: Bigg Boss 17, the popular reality show, is all set to spice things up with the introduction of two wild card contestants during the upcoming weekend. Among these fresh faces is Samarth Jurel, known for his role in Udaariyaan, who will step into the Bigg Boss house and drop a bombshell by revealing his romantic relationship with Isha Malviya. The anticipation surrounding their entry has the audience buzzing with excitement.
Bigg Boss 17’s Growing Popularity
Bigg Boss 17 has been off to an exciting start, with the contestants gaining substantial attention and a growing fan base on social media. As the show enters its second weekend, the drama and entertainment continue to entertain the audience. A diverse array of contestants, including Ankita Lokhande, Vicky Jain, Aishwarya Sharma, Neil Bhatt, Isha Malviya, Abhishek Kumar, and more, have been engaging in strategic gameplay, making this season one to watch.
Wild Card Entries Bring a New Twist
In an unexpected turn of events, the show’s creators have decided to introduce wild card entrants early in the season. Samarth Jurel, hailing from the world of Udaariyaan, is one of these fresh faces. In a promotional clip, Samarth opens up about his romantic involvement with Isha Malviya, stating that they have been a couple for a year. This revelation is sure to set the stage for intriguing dynamics within the Bigg Boss house.
Abhishek’s Affection and Isha’s Previous Statements
Prior to Samarth’s entry, viewers witnessed a complicated situation involving Isha and Abhishek. While Isha had initially declared herself single during the show’s premiere, her interactions with Abhishek Kumar painted a different picture. Abhishek’s unwavering affection for Isha contrasted with her mixed signals, leading to a few confrontations.
Anticipating Abhishek’s Reaction
The most pressing question now is how Abhishek will react to Samarth’s revelation about his relationship with Isha. Abhishek’s possessiveness and deep feelings for Isha have been evident, and he has expressed discomfort whenever she interacts with other male contestants. The tension in the house may escalate as Abhishek navigates this unexpected twist in his connection with Isha. Additionally, another wild card entry, Manasvi Mamgai, an Indian model and actress, is set to join the mix, promising to further intensify the drama and competition within the Bigg Boss 17 house. The unfolding drama will undoubtedly keep viewers glued to their screens in anticipation of the next twist in this rollercoaster of a season.
By Yashika Desai