29 October 2023, Mumbai: Kangana Ranaut recently found herself at the center of controversy, as actor and politician Prakash Raj and filmmaker Deepa Mehta took issue with her comments on low theatre footfalls and the Israel-Gaza conflict. Prakash Raj sarcastically responded to Kangana’s plea for people to watch films in theatres, while Deepa Mehta disapproved of her stance on the Israel crisis. These reactions have sparked a debate in the entertainment world.
Prakash Raj’s Witty Reply
Prakash Raj, known for his disagreements with Kangana, humorously retorted to her statement about the struggling Hindi film industry. He reminded Kangana that India gained its independence in 2014, implying that progress takes time. This witty exchange on Twitter added a touch of light-heartedness to a serious discussion.
Kangana’s Plea for Theatre Viewing
Kangana Ranaut, in a video message, expressed her concerns about the decline in theatre footfalls, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic. She urged the audience, especially multiplex-goers, to support the cinematic experience and pointed out the importance of communal viewing for art forms like dance and folklore. Kangana’s appeal raises questions about the changing landscape of the film industry.
Deepa Mehta’s Critique of Kangana
In addition to Prakash Raj, filmmaker Deepa Mehta joined the conversation by expressing her disapproval of Kangana’s stance on the Israel-Gaza conflict. Kangana’s meeting with Israel’s ambassador and her support for the nation drew Deepa’s criticism. Mehta’s tweet, “OMG. Who let her loose?” exemplified the divide in opinion over the issue.
Kangana’s Bold Response to Trolls
Unfazed by the criticism, Kangana Ranaut responded boldly to her trolls, assuring them that her determination and achievements will continue to shine. She urged her critics to join her fan clubs for their own mental well-being and to align with her vision for woman empowerment and her nation, Bharat. Kangana’s unwavering spirit showcases her commitment to her cause and her unique approach to handling criticism.
1: What controversy is Kangana Ranaut involved in?
Answer: Kangana Ranaut sparked controversy with her comments on low theatre footfalls and her stance on the Israel-Gaza conflict. These remarks have drawn reactions from figures like Prakash Raj and Deepa Mehta.
2: How did Kangana Ranaut respond to her critics and trolls?
Answer: Kangana Ranaut responded boldly to her critics, assuring them that her determination and achievements will continue to shine. She urged her critics to join her fan clubs for their own mental well-being and to align with her vision for woman empowerment and her nation, Bharat.
3: What is the broader debate and discussion in the entertainment world sparked by Kangana’s comments?
Answer: Kangana Ranaut’s comments have sparked a debate in the entertainment world, with figures like Prakash Raj and Deepa Mehta offering their perspectives on the issues she raised.
By Yashika Desai