29 October 2023, Mumbai: In an impressive show of, Vijay’s film “Leo” bounced back at the box office on its second weekend after experiencing a temporary dip in its collections on Friday. The movie, which had been generating buzz and setting records, made a triumphant return to the limelight. According to industry tracker, “Leo” achieved a remarkable Rs 14 crore in collections on Saturday, significantly boosting its total domestic earnings to Rs 284.90 crore.
Crossing the Coveted Milestone
As the dust settled after its magnificent comeback, “Leo” also crossed a significant milestone by surging past the Rs 500 crore mark on a global scale. This achievement is a testament to the film’s undeniable popularity and widespread appeal. Audiences across the world have flocked to theaters to witness Vijay’s charismatic performance in this highly-anticipated cinematic offering.
Competition in the South Indian Cinema
In the southern Indian film industry, “Leo” has not been without its competition. Despite its success, the movie finds itself in a battle with Rajinikanth’s previous blockbuster, “Jailer.” While “Leo” continues to perform well at the box office, it has been trailing behind the momentum generated by “Jailer.” On its tenth day, “Jailer” managed to rake in an impressive Rs 26.86 crore, leaving “Leo’s” box office earnings in its wake.
A Global Box Office Clash
Though “Leo” has achieved the significant feat of crossing the Rs 500 crore mark at the global box office, it remains to be seen whether it can surpass “Jailer’s” worldwide box office collection, which currently stands at Rs 604 crore. The competition between these two powerhouses of the South Indian film industry continues to entertain audiences and industry enthusiasts alike.
Continued Box Office Dominance
Despite the ongoing rivalry and the entry of new releases, including Kangana Ranaut’s “Tejas,” Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s “12th Fail,” and “Sajini Shinde Ka Viral Video” featuring a star-studded cast, “Leo” maintains its reign at the box office. Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, the film boasts an ensemble cast featuring notable actors such as Sanjay Dutt, Trisha Krishnan, Arjun Sarja, Mysskin, Sandy, and Gautham Menon. Released in multiple languages, including Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi, “Leo” continues to captivate audiences and impress at the box office, solidifying its place as a cinematic force to be reckoned with.
By Yashika Desai