29 August 2023, Mumbai: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar voiced his anticipation that the 2024 Lok Sabha elections might be advanced, pointing to the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) apprehensions about potential losses due to Opposition unity. Nitish Kumar emphasized that the NDA government at the Centre could opt for an early poll, fearing greater setbacks for the BJP. This follows remarks made by West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee, who speculated that the elections might occur as early as December this year or January.
Nitish Kumar On Early Lok Sabha Election.
With steadfast conviction, Nitish Kumar conveyed, “The NDA government at the Centre might go for early Lok Sabha polls, fearing more loss to the BJP because of opposition unity.” He called upon opposition parties to unite against the BJP in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, emphasizing that his primary goal is to foster cooperation among anti-BJP parties.
I.N.D.I.A Meeting On 31 August
Notably, Kumar refrained from disclosing specific details about potential collaborations, only hinting at ongoing efforts to unite opposition parties. He mentioned that the opposition coalition INDIA will gain further strength after a forthcoming meeting in Mumbai on August 31 and September 1.
The impending General election is projected to take place between April and May 2024 to elect members for the 18th Lok Sabha. The current tenure of the 17th Lok Sabha is scheduled to conclude on June 16, 2024.
Mamta Banerjee’s Similar Concerns
On a separate occasion, West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee echoed similar concerns, suggesting that the BJP could advance the Lok Sabha polls to December 2023 itself or January. She expressed her worries during a Trinamool Congress (TMC) students’ wing rally, cautioning against the consequences of a potential third term for the BJP.
Banerjee cited indications that the BJP had “already booked all choppers” for campaigning, insinuating that the party was making arrangements to limit other political parties’ access to these resources. She warned that the return of the BJP to power could lead to an ‘autocratic’ regime and foster further divisions among communities.
Stating her apprehensions, Banerjee remarked, “The saffron party has already turned our country into a nation in the throes of animosity among communities. If they return to power, it will make our country a nation of hatred.”The convergence of opinions by Nitish Kumar and Mamata Banerjee underscores the evolving dynamics and speculations surrounding the timing and implications of the upcoming General elections.