Tag: accident

Actor Urmila Kothare Injured, Labourer Killed in Mumbai...

Marathi actress Urmila Kothare injured in Mumbai accident; labourer killed, anot...

18 Killed, 19 Injured As Bus Collides With Milk Tanker ...

In yet another bus accident, at least 18 people have been killed 19 are left in...

Speeding Mini-Bus Overturns, Injures 42 Schoolchildren ...

A speeding Haryana Roadways mini-bus, heading from Kalka to the hill areas of P...

Six-story Building Collapses In Surat, Seven Bodies Rec...

In a tragic incident, a six-story building in Surat’s Sachin area in Gujarat co...

Woman Dies in Tragic 300-Foot Fall After Reversing Car ...

Tragic Incident Caught on Camera A tragic accident occurred in Maharashtra w...

Bus Accident in Uttarkashi, resulting in 14 injured and...

According to the report, at least three women were killed and 14 others were in...

India's Pursuit of Justice: Seeking Review After US Off...

The tragic death of 23-year-old Indian student Jaahnavi Kandula in Seattle, at ...

Tragic Loss: Telangana MLA Lasya Nandita Perishes in Ro...

On a sombre note, the tragic demise of Telangana MLA Lasya Nandita continues to...

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