With low temperatures falling to 2.7 degrees Celsius in the capital and 1.8 degrees in Panchkula on Monday and Tuesday nights, Chandigarh looked to be creeping closer to registering 0 degrees Celsius on the mercury. The temperature in Chandigarh dropped by 4.7 degrees below average on Monday and Tuesday night, making it the coldest night of the month, according to the India Meteorological Department. The department has predicted dense to very dense fog in the region and asked residents to remain alert.
Tricity’s (Chandigarh,Mohali, Panchkula) temperature graph over the years
The temperature in the city has only reached 0.0 degrees Celsius three times, in January 1973, January 2007, and January 2008, according to IMD. In January 2023, the minimum lowest temperature was 3.3 degrees Celsius while in 2022, it was 5.1 degrees.
Minimum winter temperatures since 2011
2011- 3.6 degrees Celsius
2012- 4.6 degrees Celsius
2013- 1.5 degrees Celsius
2014- 4.4 degrees Celsius
2015- 4.9 degrees Celsius
2016- 2.1 degrees Celsius
2017- 2.4 degrees Celsius
2018- 3.2 degrees Celsius
2019- 4.2 degrees Celsius
2020- 3.5 degrees Celsius
2021- 3.8 degrees Celsius
2022- 5.1 degrees Celsius
2023- 3.3 degrees Celsius
The IMD has issued another warning about a cold wave. “People will have to be careful. Dense to very dense fog is predicted in the region,” scientist Shivender Singh said while speaking to The Indian Express.
Temperature in other regions of Punjab
For the second day in a row, Ballowal Saunkhri in Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar remained the coldest site in Punjab, with a temperature drop from minus 0.2°C on Monday to minus 0.4°C on Tuesday. At 0.7°C, Mahendragarh was the coldest place in Haryana.
While the visibility in Ambala, Karnal, and Patiala was marginally better at 25 metres, it was 0 metres in Bathinda as well. At Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport, visibility was poor till 9.30 am on Tuesday, resulting in the cancellation of three departure flights to Hyderabad, Delhi, and Mumbai. The lowest temperature recorded in Punjab was 5.4°C in Amritsar, 3.3°C in Ludhiana, 3.1°C in Patiala, 4°C in Pathankot, 3°C in Bathinda, 3.5°C in Faridkot, and 3.5°C in Gurdaspur. While Narnaul, Bhiwani, and Sirsa reported minimums of 3°C, 3.9°C, and 4.2°C, respectively, bordering Haryana’s Hisar had a low of 1.1°C, Ambala 4.4°C, and Karnal 3.2°C.
By: Gursharan Kaur