2nd November 2023, Mumbai: Ambani’s star-studded red carpet event was a fashion spectacle, featuring icons like Deepika Padukone and Alia Bhatt. But it was Priyanka Chopra who stole the limelight with her distinctive fashion sense. She dazzled in a bright green saree adorned with sequins, perfectly paired with a velvet V-neck blouse, leaving the fashion world in awe.
Sequin Elegance: Priyanka’s Mesmerizing Saree Ensemble
Priyanka Chopra’s fashion prowess was evident in her choice of a sequin-laden neon green saree. Complementing this radiant attire was a matching velvet bustier, creating a mesmerizing and elegant look. Velvet blouses have become a fashion trend, adding a touch of sophistication to traditional sarees.
Graceful Draping and Sabyasachi’s Magic
The White Tiger actress captivated with her impeccable style, elegantly draping her saree with a low drape, exuding grace and beauty. The choice of a single pallu delicately cascading from her hands added refinement to her ensemble. This stunning neon green saree was a creation of the renowned designer Sabyasachi, with Ami Patel skillfully curating Priyanka’s look.
Exquisite Jewelry by Bvlgari
Priyanka Chopra’s mastery of accessories was on full display as she adorned herself with the prestigious jewelry brand, Bvlgari. Earrings, a neckpiece accentuating her neckline, and a wristwatch added a touch of elegance to her dazzling saree. The combination of the sequin saree and Bvlgari jewelry created a harmonious balance of elegance and grace.
Perfect Hair and Makeup for a Flawless Finish
Completing her look, Priyanka chose a sleek and straight hairdo with a central partition, exuding sleekness. Her makeup accentuated her sculpted cheekbones and defined jawline, featuring matte-finished pink eyeshadow for a delicate burst of color. The bold red lipstick, artfully applied by Uday Shirali, added confidence and elegance, making her hair and makeup the perfect final touches to her stunning appearance.
By Yashika Desai